Atik Cameras Forum

Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => 3- and 4-Series Cameras => Topic started by: sunburst78 on May 13, 2013, 12:25:36 pm

Title: 460ex Color save image as .tif or .fits?
Post by: sunburst78 on May 13, 2013, 12:25:36 pm
I just shot all night in .fits file format but when I went to import it into Photoshop I realized I needed an add-on. After downloading FIT liberator all seemed well until I realized my images are black and white only (grayscale). No matter what I try I can't get Photoshop to display the .fit in color like Dawn does after the debayer/align/combine process.

Should I have saved all images with a OSC as .tif or am I doing something wrong?

Title: Re: 460ex Color save image as .tif or .fits?
Post by: prefetch on September 20, 2013, 03:02:12 pm
i have this exact problem.  i have a 460ex color.

when i open up my .tiff files they are all grey scale.  not sure what's going on.
Title: Re: 460ex Color save image as .tif or .fits?
Post by: prefetch on September 21, 2013, 02:53:27 pm
i figured it out.

you need to change the color offset (both in tif or fits) with some kind of color corrector program.  i used nebulosity and i also did it with the RGB program that atik has.

there is an x and y setting - you just need to change it from 0,0 to like 1,0 or 0,1 - just try some combinations and it'll set it to color.