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Author Topic: 460ex problem  (Read 3433 times)

Raymond Green

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460ex problem
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:26:49 am »
How To Clean Your Mattress Topper

Let me know how you will clean your mattress topper.

✻✻✻ Selected For You: The Best Mattress Toppers - Reviews & Buyer's Guide

Put in the washing machine and press the button, right?

If you don't want to ruin it, DON'T DO THAT. Compared to other pieces of bedding, even the best mattress topper is much more fragile, so your washing-machine might wear it down in a short time.

That's the reason I am here to help you clean your mattress topper properly.

The step-by-step instruction of cleaning your mattress topper

Even you invest in the best mattress topper brands , taking care of it is a must. Check each step below to clean your topper:

Prepare your mattress topper

Remove all bedding from mattress toppers, then put them in a well-ventilated area.

Get rid of debris

Remove all particles and loose hairs outside of the topper by using a gentle vacuum or hose attachment. If you don't have available a vacuum at home, at least you should get rid of debris by brushing or lightly shaking.

Check your mattress topper

Check your mattress topper if there are any unpleasant odours, stains, or signs of wear and tear.

Deal with stains and odours

Once you have determined stains on the surface, you are able to spot clean by gently rubbing or spraying them with a cleaning solution. After that, use a paper towel or a towel to blot the liquid. And repeat this step until the stains are removed completely.

When it comes to odours, powdered baking soda is able to treat natural causes like sweat. In case your mattress topper has smells left from accidents and spills, you need to scrub gently as what you do with stains.


If possible, you had better hang your mattress toppers in a well-ventilated area with a lot of sunlight in hours. Wait until they dry completely and never use a wet mattress topper.

In case you have wool toppers, don't use your dryer on it. To dry this material, you can hang it on your clothesline or a drying rack. The air-drying method takes you around half a day, but this solution is safe.


  • The different mattress toppers require different care routine, so let you combine the manufacturer's instructions with my instruction for the best outcome.
  • It's hard to clean the mattress topper deeply, so prevent messes is an easier task. What's more, they are usually protected by some layers of bedding like a mattress. So, toppers require regular maintenance and spot cleaning instead of frequent deep cleaning.

۞۞۞ Find More Info: what is the best mattress topper

Even you pick good mattress toppers; it’s crucial to clean them properly. If not, they can’t remain good support and comfort anymore. In a worse case, you may have to throw them away after a short time of use. Now, it’s your turn, and please let me know how you maintain your mattress topper to keep it in good condition for a long time. Leave a comment in the section below. Also, don’t forget to share my post if you find it informative.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 09:58:57 am by Raymond Green »