Atik Cameras

Author Topic: A couple of requests  (Read 5589 times)


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A couple of requests
« on: February 20, 2016, 06:17:22 pm »
Hi Steve

I am new to this forum and very excited to be here, so I would like to thank you for the opportunity. I am very interested in buying a new Atik Infinity and love your fabulous software. Just a couple of questions I want to ask please.

1. Is there going to be a sharpness feature added to the Infinity SW in the near future?

2. I have read about sometimes the power plug detaching occasionally from the camera (yes I can use a Velcro around the front of the camera's noise piece to hold) and was wondering if there going to be a threated type power attachment in the very near future?

question #1 is most important to me and I am not concerned about # 2 but that is a bonus.

Thank you in advance Steve for any answers and for putting out an amazing observing product!



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Re: A couple of requests
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 04:20:48 pm »
Hi Chris,

I hope you don't mind me answering in place of Steve, but we're very happy to have you on the forum, and thank you for your kind words about the Infinity.

We've started looking into a sharpness feature for the Infinity software, but at this point I wouldn't go so far as to say it'll be ready in the near future - at this point I can only say the hopefully future.

Also there aren't currently any plans to alter the power attachment - partly because once things are held too firmly in place, tripping over a wire becomes a disaster rather than a minor inconvenience! Though I wasn't aware of people having detachment problems with normal use - obviously if it turns out to be a common experience, then it's definitely something we'll look into.

I hope that helps, and I'm sorry I can't give you a firmer timeline on #1. And welcome again to the forum!



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Re: A couple of requests
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 09:50:11 pm »
Hi Jo

Thank you very much for your time and for helping me out with my questions. I only heard once form watching an owner who happened to mention the power connection on YouTube detaching once so far (it was not a very big concern of his). Your approach makes much more sense and I would rather loose connection from tripping on the power cord then damaging the unit "great point"! When looking at the recent YouTube broadcasts the views seem very nice and I am super excited to buy a new Atik Infinity very soon. I think since your great software that allows for live stacking increases the signal to noise so much that having a sharpness tool would be a big plus. It is nice to hear that you are already looking into adding this feature so thanks again Jo for your help.


Chris Appleton