Atik Cameras Forum
Images => Solar System Images => Topic started by: NickK on March 21, 2015, 01:32:05 PM
So here at SGLX I was fortunate enough to borrow an original SolarMax-90 (serial number #2).
So on a beast of an alt/az mount without tracking and drift imaged, I captured frames at 0.001 second with an ATIK 414EX at -15degC. 674 frames later I had enough data.
So I tried processing in Registax6 under Wine (OS X) however 6 hours later it was still working.. so I switched to PixInsight to use the FFT alignment batch processing tool, then using sub three 64bit stacks of ~250 frames to integrate the frames before stacking the resulting three major stacks.
After I used deconv to sharpen the image slightly, then did a basic stretch to give some contrast before saving as a PNG..