Atik Cameras Forum

General => Announcements => Topic started by: Jo on February 17, 2016, 02:39:00 PM

Title: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: Jo on February 17, 2016, 02:39:00 PM
The second version of our BETA drivers are now ready for testing. For more information and to download the BETA drivers, go to: (

Let us know how you get on!

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: pf_fin on February 18, 2016, 08:02:55 AM
Question: could I download and test the Atik Drivers BETA 2?

You warn "These drivers are not compatible with Atik 16-series cameras – please do not install if using one of these cameras".

My set-up is:
- Main camera Atik4000 mono
- Guide Camera  Atik 16IC mono
- Filter wheel EFW2
- SW MaximIm 5.24 and 6.12

Thank you

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: ChrisGolden on February 18, 2016, 09:47:37 AM
Hi Piero,

Thanks for the interest in the BETA version. Unfortunately, the BETA version changes the drivers for all the cameras, regardless of whether they are a guide camera or not. I would be interested to know what application you use to run your guide camera though. There might be something we can do in the future.

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: ags in Rubyvale on February 19, 2016, 04:41:18 AM
 Just tested them, no damage done but still no 64bit Ascom driver for the EFW2. Hope your still working on a fix as this is the only hardware on my 64bit system that is not compatible with Ascom.
Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: ChrisGolden on February 19, 2016, 09:49:39 AM
Hi ags in Rubyvale,

I'm am currently working on the 64bit ASCOM drivers for the EFW2. If you email me at then I can send you something that 'might' help you out.

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: pf_fin on February 19, 2016, 04:25:16 PM
Hi Chris,

as of today I use MaxIm DL 5.24 for the imaging camera, filter wheel and guiding. I have Maxim DL 6.12 but I will use it when some of the existing bugs will be solved.

Maybe, but not in the near future, I will move to SGP.... (I prefer a SW that just image, guide, focus and plate solve for my remote observatory).

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: Cavalier King Charles on February 29, 2016, 08:23:25 PM

I just purchased the Atik One 6.0 kit.  I have downloaded the beta II core software and I noticed that the Capture software shows the filter wheel as being in position "2" when the actual wheel is in the #1 position. I believe that the software reports the 'next' position for the other slots except position #5 where it actually shows #5.

Small detail but I thought I'd mention it to help you make refinements to the drivers.

Also, the Atik One and AstroArt 5.0 still don't play together very well - hence my interest in Capture.


Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: jblockyou on March 07, 2016, 05:40:39 PM
I am using the latest beta version of drivers with my newly purchased Atik One 6.0, OAG and GP guider kit.
I could not even connect using the regular version of the software.
I have two problems so far:

[1] Imaging while guiding works just fine but when the One 6.0 image downloads the GP guider stops guiding but will resume guiding once the image download completes. It does not do this if I use another guide camera like the lodestar or costar. Is this normal?

[2] After a two hour imaging session, the internal filter wheel stopped centering position one which contains my luminance filter. My luminance image was half blocked from full light. If I sent a command to rotate the internal filter wheel it to any of the R,G or B filters, the filter position was centered correctly. Only position one was off. I removed power from the camera and then applied power and the filter wheel re-initialized and the problem went away.

My control program is TheSkyX Professional with the camera addon.
Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: ChrisGolden on March 08, 2016, 09:50:20 AM
Hi Cavalier King Charles,

Thanks for your post. There was an issue with the filter wheel reporting the wrong value, but that has been fixed in the latest version of the BETA (

In regards to AstroArt 5.0. I've tried it myself and everything seems to work well. Is it failing to connect? Or are there other issues? It might be easier to email me directly at:

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: ChrisGolden on March 08, 2016, 01:53:58 PM
Hi jblockyou,

Thanks for the post.

1) I haven't tried doing this myself, but I'll try it out later. Does the guiding recover properly after the download is complete? Or does it leave it in the wrong place? You can email me directly at

2) Can you email with this problem. They will be able to help you.

Title: Re: Drivers BETA test Pt. II
Post by: jblockyou on March 08, 2016, 03:48:48 PM
The guiding recovers and works just fine once the image has finished downloading.