Atik Cameras Forum
Images => Video Astronomy => Topic started by: Astrogate on June 12, 2016, 05:34:56 PM
I used my Atik Infinity mono camera and Canon 100 mm f/2.8 lens with an Orion 7 mm Ha filter for the mono widefield images and my VRC10" @ F/4.3 with a Lumicon Deep Sky filter for the color narrowfield images. Captured and adjusted live on the other night. * During my broadcast several of us noticed that when saving the final image in png format using the Infinity software there is quite a bit of clipping in the black point region causing a lot of loss in fine details. We compared the saved image to the live image and there was a big difference. Thes are the .png non-post processed images as seen live on but with some loss of faint details.
Whole Veil nebula located in the Cygnus Loop 5 x 120 seconds
Here was IC 1318 at 4 x 120 seconds using again the camera lens and mono Infinity with an Orion 7 nm Ha filter
Here was the Propeller Nebula at 4 x 120 seconds using again the camera lens and mono Infinity with an Orion 7 nm Ha filter
Here was M27 4 X 90 Seconds using my VRC 10" @ F/4.3 and color Infinity with a Lumicon Deep Sky light pollution filter.
Here was M57 8 X 30 Seconds using my VRC 10" @ F/4.3 and color Infinity with a Lumicon Deep Sky light pollution filter.
Hey, very nice shots. You are a master.
Congratulations for the center star in M 57
I agree, you are a master! It's great to see some widefield views, particularly the entire Veil shot.
Chris is away this week but I'll ask him about the clipping once he's back.
Thanks for sharing :)
Super images Chris.
The Infinitys are working well for you. Mark and I both have noticed the loss in detail on saved pngs from our live broadcasts.
Hi Astrogate,
Great images. I'd like to investigate this problem, but I'm finding it difficult to replicate here. What would be great is if you could send me a screenshot of infinity, together with the saved png and fits file so I can take a closer look. If all three are of the exact same thing, I should be able to work out what's going on.