Atik Cameras Forum
Images => Video Astronomy => Topic started by: scpanish on August 03, 2016, 05:10:58 AM
Here are 'proof of concept' captures from a mono Infinity using a 10" SkyWatcher goto Dob. These were saved from the Infinity application. This scope is F4.7, and optimal exposure times seem to run between 1 and 5 seconds. Even when tracking seems to be drifting the short exposure times yield decent images.
I agree with you.
With my 200 mm reflector I have the best results at short expositions.
Clusters with 1,5" each one only
Galaxys and other faint objects 12" each one only
Larger expositions makes a lot of parasite noise and don't improve the details.
Congratulations for your very good shoot.
Thanks....I've gotten the focus better a couple times and that is rewarding. I'm afraid I'm in for a new focuser, the single-speed crayford on my SkyWatcher just isn't controllable enough for the camera.
Great image on DOB. Shows the short exposures keep star trails out of the images