Atik Cameras Forum
Images => Video Astronomy => Topic started by: StarMike on September 12, 2016, 02:11:19 PM
Part of the Pelican nebula
More good stuff, I particularly like the filaments in the Trifid :)
Very nice.
Can you comment some of your post-production methods?
I try not to do much post production. I have the Mono camera, so I often add some color. Sometime I do a little de-noising, but mostly just add color. The Infinity does pretty well on its own
The Pelican had a lot of noise. It is in the light dome of where I live so a difficult. If you zoom up the Pelican, you can see some digital artifacts from the de-noise process, but I can live with that since it really brought out the details
Thanks Jo, that was my best pic I had ever got for the trifid. The only thing I did to it was add the red color (I have the mono camera)
Impressive results, maybe better than a colour camera. The light is very good, definitely better in my opinion.
I post a picture taked with my color camera to compare...
Still a good image, maybe some adjustments to the Histogram could get you brighter images. I read somewhere that the Mono Infinity was 4 times more sensitive than the color, which is why I purchased it. I am going to try some LRGB filters with my Infinity soon to see of I can get better color but still keep the sensitivity of the mono camera.
We are having rain all this week so no chance for awhile
Yes, you are right the Histogram is the answer.
One of my wishes in the things-to-do in the Infinity soft is a better control of the Histogram, something like Artemis Capture has. A box number to put exactly the number I want into for the Black/Orange and White bars.