Atik Cameras Forum

Images => Video Astronomy => Topic started by: Iria-Atik on May 16, 2017, 11:32:02 AM

Title: Would you like to participate in an Atik experiment?
Post by: Iria-Atik on May 16, 2017, 11:32:02 AM
Hi everyone,

From Atik we’re starting a small experiment with our Infinity software, and we need some help from you!

We were frequently asked if it’s possible to use any of our cameras with the Infinity software, and we thought that the best way to get great results is working directly with our customers.

We’re looking for people owning a 4-Series camera, ideally with also an Infinity, to play with the Infinity software and give us some feedback about the experience!

Please, if you are interested in participate, just email us to and we’ll be back to you with all the details.

Thanks a lot for your help 😊
Title: Re: Would you like to participate in an Atik experiment?
Post by: manu33 on July 09, 2017, 05:43:34 PM

Hello Atik,

I have an atik infinity mono and I would like to test with a 314+ if you can lend me one?
What pictures taken with my inifinity and others:

thanks :)

Title: Re: Would you like to participate in an Atik experiment?
Post by: Iria-Atik on July 12, 2017, 09:35:05 AM
Hi Manu,

Thank you for your message! We’re working at the moment just with Atik 4-Series, as we need to do it step by step. I’m sorry your camera is not supported by this software nowadays, I expect we can work on this in the future.

We'll keep you updated by our website and social media! Sorry for the bad news  :-\

Best regards,