Atik Cameras Forum

Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => Atik Air => Topic started by: astro_1 on September 02, 2018, 01:39:34 AM

Title: AtikAir advanced install on Raspian-stretch: no process found
Post by: astro_1 on September 02, 2018, 01:39:34 AM
Hi all
I am not a Linux guru. I have a RPi 3 B+ with raspian-stretch installed.

When doing the advanced AtikAir setup, which is basically installing manually, it ends with "no process found". below is what is shown on screen:
Service Setup
Ending Service
artemishscservice: no process found
Ending AtikAirService
atikairservice: no process found

Setup Complete!
Any ideas ?
Title: Re: AtikAir advanced install on Raspian-stretch: no process found
Post by: gruetter on March 02, 2019, 09:39:15 AM
Dear Atik guys - I have the same problem. This post is already four months old w/o an answer. People told me the Atik customer service was first rate. The guys over at ZWO are far more responsive to user questions ... hmmm. Good thing I haven't yet pulled the trigger on a camera, I guess.
Title: Re: AtikAir advanced install on Raspian-stretch: no process found
Post by: CraigG on March 03, 2019, 03:16:14 AM
As the header above states, this is primarily a user forum and specific questions that you would like Atik to respond to should be directed to My experience with the folks at Atik has been excellent when I've used the support method of contact.

Title: Re: AtikAir advanced install on Raspian-stretch: no process found
Post by: janstan on March 05, 2019, 10:24:17 PM
I found that I had to do the following after install.

On the Raspberry Pi:

cd /etc/rc5.d
sudo ln -s ../init.d/ArtemisHscService S02ArtemisHscService
sudo ln -s ../init.d/AtikAirService S02AtikAirService
sudo reboot
