Atik Cameras Forum

Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => Atik Horizon => Topic started by: CraigG on November 27, 2018, 11:01:18 PM

Title: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on November 27, 2018, 11:01:18 PM
Just took delivery of a new Horizon color and downloaded the latest Core software update. While taking it for a spin before mounting it on the scope,  I've run into two major issues:

- I am unable to save JPEG images. It shows the second dialog box, allows a file name, etc. However, when I hit save, the second dialog box goes away, but the original one stays on screen. The image file is not saved. Now, sometimes it will save a FIT file but rarely.

-The Infinity software also crashes frequently and inconsistently.

Now I've used a Infinity OSC for over a year now with little problem so I know how everything should work.

Any thoughts? I'm wondering if it's a USB 3 quirk.

Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on November 29, 2018, 02:33:19 AM
So in the meantime I downloaded the latest Ascom platform and loaded the Ascom drivers from the latest Core software update. I'm able to now control the Horizon with Sharpcap. Functionality seems to be some ways I like it better than the Infinity. Anyway, waiting to hear from Atik and will update.

Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on December 02, 2018, 01:10:43 AM
A weekend update (not from SNL, lol)... The good folks at Atik got back with me promptly and said that they've had no problems saving JPEGs on their 64-bit machines. However, they stated that the saving process with the Horizon takes up to 7-10 minutes as opposed to the almost instantaneous save using the Infinity OSC. My 64-bit PC is still unable to save JPEGs (Without using the option listed below) after any length of time.

After experimenting with the save JPEG dialogue box,  I found that I could save JPEGs if I first tick the "Is 8-bit" box. I've sent a follow-up question to ATIK to confirm how they saved JPEGs in their testing.

 I read somewhere that JPEGs are limited to 8-bit color anyway. If so, why is a full 16-bit option available in the save function? 

Thoughts or experience with this anyone?
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on December 04, 2018, 12:07:01 PM
Ok! Atik confirmed that the "is 8-bit" box should be checked in Infinity when saving JPEGs with the Horizon. It didn't make a difference when saving JPEGs with my Infinity OSC but trying to save without checking the box with the Horizon will not work.

As this was my first interaction with tech support at Atik, I have to say that their prompt and thoughtful responses really impressed me!
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: Noah4x4 on December 05, 2018, 09:37:56 AM
This might possibly be related... first, my set-up...

My Horizon (on Hyperstar) outputs data to an Intel i5 NUC with Iris Plus Graphics at my scope located outside; then data travels to an Intel NUC indoors and I connect them using Windows 10 Pro Remote Desktop; ultimately to a 4K UHD monitor. This offers a great light pollution beating EAA system viewing from a warm "mission control". What I discovered was that even 802.11ac WiFi was unreliable and USB3 beyond 10 Metres struggled and I hence had to connect the two computers by cat6a Ethernet to get the speed, reliability and bandwidth that I needed for an end to end 4K UHD EAA experience. With hindsight, using an AV/HDMI extender would have been a cheaper option than the  second NUC, but I digress.

My point is that nobody should underestimate the basic computing power and connectivity requirements when using the Horizon's full (exceeding) 4K UHD graphics capabilities. I started with two old networked Celeron laptops and frankly, they spluttered. I reckon you need at least an i3 processor and short USB3 to be certain of handling its 16 megapixels. But over longer distances cat6a cable might be necessary in a set-up like mine. It also requires almost a full 2 Amps. So I had to step up battery capacity too.  Once I had solved computer, connectivity and power, everything worked superbly. I guess older computers with slow processors and USB2 ports might generally struggle.
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on December 06, 2018, 09:12:23 PM
Well said Noah-

We always have to remember to take a "systems" approach when adding a new component to our set-ups. Just because it worked before...
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: bwa on December 10, 2018, 02:41:22 AM
However, they stated that the saving process with the Horizon takes up to 7-10 minutes as opposed to the almost instantaneous save using the Infinity OSC.
I read somewhere that JPEGs are limited to 8-bit color anyway. If so, why is a full 16-bit option available in the save function? 
7-10 minutes is total B.S.!  My color Horizon files save in 2-3 seconds.  If the save takes more than 10 seconds, I know the software/camera is hung.

Why are you saving JPG format?  You're losing a whole lot of image data.  That is why the default is 16 bit format for saving FITS, PNG and TIF format.

Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on December 10, 2018, 04:59:11 PM
I'm just now making the transition from an Infinity to the Horizon. My use of the Infinity OSC was mostly near-live with saving some quick JPEGs to share. I wanted to know that I could at least do the same with the new camera before diving into post-processing of better file data if I choose to do so. Thanks!
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on June 12, 2019, 11:23:45 AM
Thanks calabrovarijo...that's good news. Have you worked with the Dusk program at all?
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: Noah4x4 on June 13, 2019, 03:10:35 PM
Yes, indeed good news. I reported problems with the ASCOM Drivers in Sharpcap and SG Pro about two months ago. Since then Atik has issued multiple incarnations and whilst one problem was fixed, yet another emerged in each update. I suspect the initial problem was that other Atik cameras are CCD and the Horizon is CMOS so gain and OSC/mono are treated very differently. There is now a camera selector tool when invoking the drivers.

Ever since the latest update, the weather has beaten me. But in daylight test I have got what I think are the right responses in third party software and Infinity. However, last week I did have to completely uninstall my old Atik core software and ASCOM platform and fully reinstall both as Infinity software was locking up unresponsive. I mention, just in case others suffer the same symptoms which must be caused by some legacy code not being removed with the latest update. But the reinstallation solved that and it looks as if the wider issues are fixed too.
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: CraigG on June 13, 2019, 03:48:04 PM
Thanks for the update Noah! Good to hear from you again! I may have a go at the latest Core version although my earlier version (August 2018) has been working flawlessly in Infinity for some time now. Have you done anything with Dusk so far?
Title: Re: Unable to save images Horizon Color
Post by: ccoomber on June 14, 2019, 07:28:08 PM
Similar issues and same solution, awaiting test under clear dark skies