Atik Cameras Forum
Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => Atik Horizon => Topic started by: CraigG on March 15, 2019, 09:55:31 AM
Anyone downloaded and used the new package including the "Dusk" software?
Yes, at least in daylight test.
The significant improvement for me is that the revised Atik ASCOM Driver now enquires what specific camera. If you respond Atik Horizon it invites you to select Low, Medium or High Gain presets, just like in Infinity. Previously, despite the Horizon being CMOS I had been unable to alter Gain in Sequence Generator Pro. Now it works fine (and I love SG Pro autofocus and its darks in the fly).
As regards, using the driver with SharpCap, there seems to be some residual issue. It now errors when connecting to camera with a message 'unable to connect to a server' (whose server is a mystery to me). I have reported to both Atik and SharpCap Support. Suggest users of SharpCap wait a few days whilst this is resolved.
As regards Dusk, it looks very interesting to me as it appears to support my Microtouch MKIT20-WL auto-focuser. However,, whilst I played with a few of its features, cloud has beaten me as regards any proper test. It has the simplicity of Infinity, but if it delivers more advanced features it could be superb. However, I suggest don't rush to download it until next week. I gather that an unexpected 'bug' affecting the OSC version of the Horizon was found late today, but it should be fixed in a day or so.
Excellent report! Sounds promising on several fronts. I'm particularly interested in whether it will improve the interface with SharpCap. Thanks for the heads up on a possible bug with the Horizon OSC..I was planning on holding off a download anyway as I'm waiting for better weather to fully test my Horizon after a recent repair and didn't need another complication!
Keep us posted as you can and thanks!
Also tested Dusk (with ATIK 16200)
I have found many issues (over 20 show stoppers) and application crashed frequently. I have contacted support and provided detailed error reports. ATIK team is working on these issues. Hopefully DUSK will become usable in a while.
Currently DUSK is (for me) far away from being usable and stable for daily use.
Excellent report! Sounds promising on several fronts. I'm particularly interested in whether it will improve the interface with SharpCap. Thanks for the heads up on a possible bug with the Horizon OSC..I was planning on holding off a download anyway as I'm waiting for better weather to fully test my Horizon after a recent repair and didn't need another complication!
Keep us posted as you can and thanks!
Hi Craig,
I had the previous Atik ASCOM driver working fine with Sharpcap but with no control over my Horizon's Gain etc. However, I now do have such control in SG Pro with the new driver.
The new SharpCap issue I have encountered with the latest ASCOM driver is that the camera simply would not connect and the software was reporting a failure to connect with some server. I have just woken this morning and (stupid me) realised I was not connected to the Internet as I deliberately run that NUC in isolation from the wider world and had its wireless adapter connected to my Celestron SkyPortal external WiFi accessory (hence not to Internet). However, why Sharpcap even wanted to connect to the Internet is a mystery to me. Unfortunately, I won't be able to restest until tomorrow morning and will report then. It could simply be that Sharpcap needs to (once only) download something to enable this. Will investigate further....
Now downloaded and wish I hadn't. Spent an hour setting up wedge and polar alignment, managed to guillotine a power cable in the process; but fortunately I had another. But now I can't get my camera to work properly in Infinity or SG Pro.
Oh man, sorry you're going through this. Any feedback from Support?
I spoke to them Friday and I know they are working as fast as they can on this issue which is Horizon OSC specific. The problem is occuring with the core software download that includes Dusk. I think I can delete that, reinstall using the Core Software only (top option on the page) and revert to the previous ASCOM drivers. I will attempt this today.
Feedback from the developer of Sharpcap has identified where the problem lies using the Sharpcap log and I have forwarded that to Atik Support. The original problem was the driver wasn't adding Gain support to third party APPs like SG Pro/Sharpcap and for Dusk. This is only necessary for the Horizon. They fixed that, but it looks as if the driver isn't identifying if it is the mono or OSC version. Then oddly, the camera then keeps disconnecting and I noticed '"can't finder server" error messages (whatever they mean). I am sure Atik Support is on the case.
Good news I think Craig...
I don't know what is happening with the 'Core software with Dusk', which I deleted today!
However, I have reverted to the 'Core Software without dusk' (the top download option). Now (albeit only in daytime test) the camera is working properly in Infinity and SG Pro (which it did before, but with no Gain options in SG Pro) and...….it even appears to be working in Sharpcap!
In the first two you can set Gain as Low, Medium or High via Atik Camera settings. In SG Pro the ASCOM driver asks you to select camera and I chose Atik Horizon 29; Color: Gain = Low.
In SharpCap, I think we probably need to prior set Gain in Infinity and the camera will remember in SharpCap.
SharpCap now scans for cameras and gives me these options
Atik Camera
Atik Camera 2
Atik Cameras
Atik Cameras2
The plural (italics) is the two options that I had before. Select those and it now doesn't work with the Horizon OSC. I guess this is for CCDs. However select Atik Camera singular and that now works, and it now defaults to RAW16 under color where it previously offered only Mono (and where the Dusk version was erroring as it couldn't find camera etc).
It could be that this is now working in SharpCap because I had prior set Camera = Horizon 29/color/low in SG Pro in the ASCOM Driver and it is being remembered. Maybe you can try with the none Dusk version of Core Software Craig and see what happens? I will await to hear from others before downloading Dusk.
That is good news Noah! Yeah, I experienced the same Mono only camera selection...along with other issues...while trying to set up SharpCap over the winter and haven't touched it since. I don't use SG but your suggested gain setting in Infinity sounds like a great reason to revisit SharpCap. Still waiting for good weather here to fully test my recently repaired Horizon before I download anything new but your report is encouraging! Are you waiting for any more feedback from Atik at this point?
Thanks for the great info!
Hi Craig,
Robin (Sharpcap developer) has advised me that I must have two seperate Atik ASCOM drivers installed as I am seeing four options (two singular, two plural, see my previous post) in Sharpcap. I do recall that when I deleted the "core software with Dusk" to revert to the older version it did say that not every component could be deleted. I guess that includes drivers. Because Sharpcap searches for all camera drivers (Atik, ZWO etc), it finds both. My guess is one for CCD and another for CMOS.
I fear I might have missed a setting when I reported that I still cannot change Gain in Sharpcap albeit the Color or Mono issue is fixed. Robin reckons that if it works in SG Pro settings, if I press <show> under camera options it should appear in Sharpcap. I will try that tomorrow, but had missed it.
I have not heard from Atik about the similar driver issues with Dusk, but I guess they are struggling like the rest of us to get some clear skies to finally test the updated drivers. But I think they have done a great job in resolving this very promptly. But I am nervous to revert to Dusk given I have SG Pro and Sharpcap working.
New "Core software with Dusk" was made available on Friday. I guess this includes the ASCOM Driver fix needed in Dusk, SG Pro etc, but I don't know if it as yet works with SharpCap, but Atik and Sharpcap developers were in conversation.
Unfortunately, the British weather this weekend has not been suitable to test this and it's not looking good for another few days. Craig, as you are not subject to UK weather, maybe you could try it?
Well, the weather looks promising for Michigan but unfortunately I will be away from the "observatory" until the end of the week. I'll attempt a download in the meantime while holding my breath!
CraigG... I have tried today...
Downloaded 'Core Software with Dusk' (version Got camera connected in SG Pro, could set Gain etc, but the camera bluntly refused to connect in Atik's own Infinity software. Hence this later (with Dusk) version still has bugs. It almost worked in Sharpcap, but crashed at the end of the sequence. Quite evidently, Infinity, SG Pro and SharpCap all perform differently with this ASCOM Driver and Atik has still not resolved this with the Dusk. Hence, that's still work in progress.
So, I again reverted to the previous (August 2018) version (without Dusk) Core Software. The camera now works fine with Infinity. Then, using settings in <Equipment Profile> I was now able to get SG Pro working. I could even set Gain and Colour camera. I have not tested at night, but in this older version Infinity and SG Pro appear to work fine. Alternatively, it could be that my flirting with at least loaded the correct ASCOM Driver. But I think there is a solution for Infinity and SG Pro. I just need a clear night to test properly.
In the version Sharp Cap recognised the camera was connected, but I had to selected 'Atik Camera' (not Atik Cameras). This rather promisingly then offered RAW16 as regards colour or Mono (so it had auto detected it was an Horizon OSC). I still could not set Gain in SharpCap, but I guess I can leave it set in Infinity and then switch to Sharpcap.
Clearly , there is still some work in progress, but it looks as though Atik is very close to a resolution in all software options. But you need to hold onto version for Infinity as at today. My guess is that this will be wholly resolved in a day or so as I know Atik Support is in conversation with Sharpcap.
Tried again tonight.
Only Core Software version will support Infinity software. But won't properly support other third party suites. won't run Infinity.
But will run SG Pro - and even SharpCap will show some life. But neither are bug free yet as regards the setting of all parameters. I can set Gain in SGP but not in SharpCap. I can set colour in SharpCap (but Mono is not an option), but not in SGP.
The problem seems to be that some software auto-detects which camera when others need to be specifically told which camera. Then they somehow all seem to get confused between Mono or Colour and CMOS and CCD.
I have fed my more detailed findings back to Atik Support whom I know are working on this problem. But for the moment, Horizon OSC owners are probably best persevering with the regular options of Infinity and Artemis Capture (as I gather Dusk has some bugs).
Hi Noah
Sorry to hear that the challenges continue but thanks for sharing what you've learned. As Infinity is my main imaging software for the Horizon, I'll stick with the version for now as you suggested. I really hope that Atik will hold off on releasing a new Core version until it's been fully tested but it does sound that success may be close at hand! Do you think you'll hear back from support when the driver issue is resolved?
Installed Dusk with the new core software today. Now, all I get in Infinity is an orange "Connecting." No connection in Sharpcap or Dusk either. Seriously, are these updates even tested? I was really looking forward to trying out the autofocuser feature in Dusk tonight, but now I'll have to uninstall and go back to the previous core software version. Very frustrating after spending 2 hours setting up.
Went back to the previous version and then the one before that. Nothing works now. This new core update has completely messed up my computer. Uninstalled everything, ran CCleaner to remove anything in the registry before installing each version. No go. I went through this last year when the Horizon first came out, never thought I'd be going through this again.
Phil, try reinstalling the ASCOM platform, then version
I have my Horizon OSC back working fine in Infinity and SG Pro but not Sharpcap (But it never did before in Sharpcap). The Dusk version seems to connect to Sharpcap, but then won't connect in Infinity (and vice versa in
Best bet, stay with until it is fixed.
I finally got Infinity going again after rolling back to the previous version. Installed the latest version of ASCOM (6.4 SP1). That may have been the difference maker.
Similar issues as others, I did try the latest version and some progress in that Dusk seemed to detect my OSC Horizon camera.
But my issue remained that couldn't get Infinity to display images in replay mode.
Could anyone suggest a workaround for this?
I have reverted back to version for now
Chris, did you <tick> to upgrade both drivers and ASCOM drivers in
I managed to get my Horizon apparently working in Infinity, SG Pro and Sharpcap. I say apparently as this was a daytime test and I could only test for light/dark detection (I didn't make a tinfoil pinhole lens). The weather has since been awful preventing a proper night time test. Here, I might have empathy with Atik as they are located close by and will no doubt also be struggling with local testing. I have been yo-yo-ing between 5.0.0.x and for a while, so keen to see this resolved.
I would wait for DUSK to emerge from beta-testing before attempting that.
Anyone downloaded and used the new package including the "Dusk" software?
I tried it a week ago. It would not connect to my 460EX. So, I uninstalled it including deleting the device from Device Manager and any folders and re-installed the previous (non Dusk) version and all was fine.
I have tried out all versions from the very first one (with ATIK 16200). It is improving but still suffering from many bugs or annoying things. e.g. last version tried with ASCOM focuser but I could not manage to work together. The controls for the focuser were disabled though it was connected. The focuser moved to zero .... that was all.
I have provided feedback to support.
It has to be considered as a Beta version and not ready for serious usage. Still staying with Artemis. Old, but straight and reliable.
I guess a couple of more release and it will become usable in some months. Stay patient....
I am getting very confused
I installed the latest software version on my other laptop Surface Pro 4, and everything works as it should including Infinity (Pic taking - Pin hole variety) and the Replay mode for processing images.
Based on this apparent success, I re-installed version on my Astro laptop Latitude rugged laptop 4114, and although the camera was recognised this time, lots of crashes. Then for no good reason (all are USB ports are 3s) I switched USB ports for plugging in my camera and as if by magic everything is working as it should do.
Not sure what the lesson was, but the latest 5.0.06 version seems to be working.
Well, that's good news Chris. Do you use any of the other programs that rely on the ASCOM drivers like SharpCap, SG Pro, etc? If so, are they working too?
I've been waiting since 6th April to properly test under dark conditions, but it has been cloudy every night ever since except the one night when I was 250 miles away. However, I got it working daytime with a pinhole tinfoil camera, but that doesn't test gain and colour capabilities etc. It did, at least, connect to Sharpcap, Infinity and SG Pro when in earlier 5.x.x.x versions it would connect in one but not another. Looks like this weekend might be more promising. Forecast is 26° C. Who says climate change isn't happening!
Hi Noah!
Wow, 26°C has to be pushing record territory for you for this time of year. We're on the other side of the spectrum with temps averaging below normal most days. I read that climate change is warming the arctic regions faster than others and that's slowing down the jet stream. A slower jet stream allows for more oscillations...cold dips and warm spikes that we haven't had before.
Anyway, fingers crossed on your software testing...and decent weather to go with it!
Well, it's been awhile since our last posts on the new Core software. I would like to finally give it try this weekend so I was wondering if version seems to be working for those that have downloaded it? How about the driver functionality with Sharpcap, etc?
Hi Craig
I only use the Infinity software and none of the other items mentioned (knowingly)
Have reverted back to older version pre-, as I am still struggling for various unrelated reasons.
Thanks Chris...
I'm only using the Infinity software too but would really like to broaden my options with a fully functional interface in Sharpcap. We'll see what other users have to say. Noah4x4 sounded somewhat optomistic when he last checked in.
Thanks again Chris!