Atik Cameras Forum
General => Equipment => Topic started by: NiganKhan on August 03, 2019, 11:46:14 AM
Hello everyone,,
A table that compares the technical capabilities (and prices) of Atik cameras would be useful - does it exist?
Trying to work from first principles:
I want a camera whose pixel size matches or lies below the diameter of the Airy disk at the focal plane. This diameter by convention is 1.22 x wavelength x f-number, so for 550nm light and and f10 lens, this would be 6.7 microns. For an f4 lens/mirror then we'd need <= 3.3 microns (bigger aperture, sharper picture, yes?).
Then I want a sensor big enough to accept the size of the image I wish to shoot, which is the angular diameter of the celestial object (just a number, no arc-seconds, please) x the focal length of the lens/mirror. So for the moon (angular size about 1/111) and a 750 mm focal length lens, we have an image size of 750 mm/111 = 6.76 mm.
So, now I have my desired resolution and size - where's that table?!!
I prefer to base resolution on objective diameter rather than f-ratio which can be misleading. You might find this link useful: Of course these theoretical values are only a guide - it's very rare that atmospheric seeing will allow ground based optics to reach their full potential.
I have a (free) program on my web page into which you can put a variety of optics and sensors. You might find that useful as well. It's here: