Atik Cameras Forum
Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => Atik Horizon => Topic started by: nitehawk on August 09, 2019, 05:44:11 AM
I still haven't managed to take a good picture with the Horizon yet. With the new drivers I can actually connect to the camera and get pictures.
However no matter what cables I try, the images always comes out like this, where it seems like it doesn't know where the corners are supposed to be.
Also, the picture jumps around like crazy making it impossible to focus.
It is worse when I use USB2, way worse
Would you mind contacting please, this looks like a hardware issue . It would be good if you could send in the fits file versions of the images posted here.
Best regards
Thanks, Vince. I had only saved the jpegs from Infinity, so I will get some fits tonight.
Also this effect happened in Sharpcap and SGP. So it is not Infinity's fault.
I went out last night to take some pictures. I used a different (and newer) computer to eliminate that as a factor and... all of the pictures came out fine! Apparently my older laptop has a problem with its USB ports where it was not able to display images from the Horizon. I am not really understanding why, but from now on I plan on using the newer computer to capture with the Horizon.
I guess the lesson is that USB3 is quite touchy, and to try backups of everything. Including the computer.
I have the same problems with these patterns and it seems to depend on the PC: With a Core i3-processor, 1.7 GHz, 8 GB RAM, WIN7 64 bit, there´s no chance to get a reasonable picture. Using USB 2 or USB 3 makes no difference: There will be large scale rectangular patterns over the whole field, and some of these fields are filled up with smaller boxes again. Sometimes these look like a Scottish Kilt.
With another PC, Core i5-processor, 2,5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, WIN 7 64 bit, only USB 2, the situation is better. Here I have the problem that I don´t get any red colour in the pictures. No matter which de-bayering is used, all red emission nebulas appear bright green!
I have just installed the newest Core software (released Oct. 2nd) and use DUSK. This didn´t solve the problem.
I´d greatly appreciate any advice what´s going on. Is it a software issue or a hardware problem? Do I have to send the camera back for inspection?
Best regards
Hi Ottmar!
Could you post some screen shots of what your seeing? I may be experiencing what you described when using a Horizon mono and Infinity. Thanks!
Hello Craig,
you see a screenshot with DUSK, made during daylight. This shows the patterns better than a dark star field.
I think I will try the Artemis software and also Infinity to find out if the problem comes from the camera hardware/connections or from the software. Unfortunately we expect some rainy days in southern Gremany.
Hello Ottmar!
Well, that is strange. Not sure if I'm getting the same thing on my setup (see my posting and screenshot on the Atik Horizon forum "window screen" topic) As I mentioned, the issue only appears when using my monochrome Horizon with Infinity and 1x1 binning not with Artemis or SharpCap. I'd be interested to see how your issue looks with actual imaging in Infinity. Rain and clouds here too Ottmar!
Best wishes,
Hello Ottmar,
Sorry to hear that you are having problems with the Horizon, would you mind sending an email to with some sample fits images so we can see what is happening please.
Best regards
Hi Vince, hi Craig!
I could do some tests through thin clouds yesterday. With Artemis the camera worked very well. No problems with strange patterns. Everything was ok. For this test I used a PC with i5-processor, WIN7 (64 bit) and USB 2-interface. So the camera doesn´t seem to be the problem. The patterns are only there when using DUSK. The stacking with DAWN also worked well.
Vince, I will send you the fits-samples by e-mail.
Have a good weekend!
Hello Ottmar,
We have received your email in our support system thanks, Andrew will get back to you shortly.
Best regards
Hi Vince!
I was wondering if Ottmar's issue might be similar to what I'm experiencing with using my mono Horizon with Infinity. Could you or Andrew let me know if does turn out to be the same issue/fix? Thanks so much!
Hi Craig,
We are still looking into the issue that you are experiencing, we are being slightly delayed waiting for new stock from our Lisbon factory to arrive. We want to try to replicate the fault using new stock. Andrew will get back to you soon.
Best regards
Vince :)
Thanks Vince!
Hello Craig,
just to keep you updated: I´ve sent some infos about my experiments with different PC´s to the ATIK-support. Maybe that´s helpful. In my case, a Core i3-PC showed those artifacts using Artemis and using DUSK. Two different i5-PCs worked well with Artemis, but sometimes had trouble with DUSK. All computers run with WIN7 64 bit.
A newer PC with i5 processor and WIN 10 also worked fine with Artemis, but refused to connect to the camera under DUSK. I could not find any influence of USB2 or USB3 interfaces.
That´s just an observation, hopefully it helps.
Clear skies!
Hi Ottmar!
Yes, that's very helpful! I have not used Dusk yet as I'm still trying to troubleshoot my interface with Infinity. I'm able to connect my Horizon just fine to all programs including SharpCap. However, using Infinity on 2 different PCs, one with a I7 and the other with an I5 show the same artifacts in 1x1 binning but not 2x2. I know that Atik-support continues to look into my Infinity issue and I'm very confident that they will do everything that they can to solve both of our issues.
Still waiting for better skies to resume testing here but hoping that your getting some time outside! Please let me know if you have any updates from Support if you get a chance.
Thanks again Ottmar!
Hello Vince,
sorry I didn´t check the forum for some time. I had sent a detailed error description with some sample pictures on Oct. 12th (19:26 MESZ) to
There was no error message reply so I thought you should have received it. I will send it again now to the same address.
By the way: In the meantime I have used the Horizon with Artemis and got nice results without any traces of artifacts.
Best regards
I have the same problems with these patterns and it seems to depend on the PC: With a Core i3-processor, 1.7 GHz, 8 GB RAM, WIN7 64 bit, there´s no chance to get a reasonable picture. Using USB 2 or USB 3 makes no difference: There will be large scale rectangular patterns over the whole field, and some of these fields are filled up with smaller boxes again. Sometimes these look like a Scottish Kilt. tubemate download (
Regards, mobdro (