Atik Cameras Forum
Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => Atik Horizon => Topic started by: nitehawk on April 20, 2020, 04:47:16 PM
Horizon seems to be picky about the quality of USB cables or hubs to connect it. It makes sense since it can have a very high framerate.
The only cable I have that seems to work reliably is the purplish one that shipped with Horizon. This cable is also better than usual USB cable as it doesn't get quite so rigid in cold weather. The cheap ones that come form Amazon or Monoprice just don't cut it.
The only problem I have is that the cable is not quite long enough for my needs (with Horizon mounted on Hyperstar). Can anyone tell me what company this cable is from? Or, perhaps another similar "cold-weather" USB3 A-B cable that works well with Horizon?
I've had good, consistent all weather success with a pretty simple combination of a "Insignia" brand 4-port, unpowered USB 2 hub and a regular 10ft USB extension cable both purchased from Best Buy. I needed an extension to connect my portable rig from a patio to my indoor computer area. I haven't attempted to assemble a USB 3 line yet so I can't comment on the download speed difference that would make with my Horizon I but I've had no issues with connectivity. My issue was providing enough DC power to the Horizon and I've solved that now by using a full size deep cycle battery.
Hope this helps!
I too struggled with longer USB3 cables and the Horizon. The strict USB3 limit is merely 3 metres and USB2 is 5 metres. Beyond either you need 'active' cables or powered hubs. But I spent ££££'s on redundant cables and hubs that didn't work.
Eventually, I put an Intel NUC at the scope within the short USB3 cable limit and now control this primary computer using another computer indoors over Windows Remote Desktop /WiFi. But if willing to embrace cable,, connecting the two computers by cat6 cable is more reliable.
Thanks. The stock Horizon cable is about 1 meter, and 1.5 or 2 would be enough.
Horizon needs USB 3 to use the high speed imaging. The Pegasus Ultimate Powerbox is supposed to be a powered USB3 hub, but the Horizon either hates the Pegasus, or hates the cable I used to connect the Pegasus. If I was stuck with USB2, I would just use my 490ex instead. Really if you are not using USB3, you are missing out on a lot of the benefit of the fast download times. It makes alignment and focusing very fast and convenient.
Fortunately I can just run a second cable for the Horizon USB3 using through-the-mount cabling. I also use Hyperstar that puts the camera on the front end of my telescope, so I need a lot of extra play in the length.
I actually do use a NUC, but its in a box under the tripod. The 1 meter cable is fine when the camera is attached traditionally, but not quite long enough for Hyperstar. I have thought about just mounting the NUC to the OTA as Pegasus has a bracket for it. I guess if I don't find a cable that makes me happy, this is what I will do.
Thats exactly what I do with my NUC and focusser controller affixed to an ABS box slid onto tripod leg spreader rod under my Evolution mount. I connect to NUC using a high quality 3 metre USB cable from my Horizon on Hyperstar and it also works fine with my ZWO ASI294mc/6.3 reducer rear mounted at its 105mm back focus. But 3 metre is the absolute limit for USB3. I tried powered hubs and active cables without success.
At one stage I had NUC affixed to OTA, but it's wasn't great. My biggest fear now is Cordwrap. I use CPWI remote control and that (oddly) keeps defaulting to Cord wrap = off. Provided I remember to set Cordwrap = on then such short cabling isn't a problem. But I have had a couple of nervous moments when I have forgotten.
This does remind me of another oddity. My Horizon appears in Windows 10 Device Manager as a 'Universal Serial Bus Controller'. However, my ZWO appears under 'imaging devices'. If I connect Horizon when using CPWI both Starsense and SkySync GPS work. If I connect the ZWO then SkySync GPS doesn't work. This is repeatable and clearly there is some sort of port conflict. I wonder if setting up the Horizon as a USB Controller is deliberate to avoid this? I don't actually need GPS as I can use my computers Location Services. But I have not resolved the wierd GPS issue with ZWO.
I now have a 5 metre USB 3 cable between the computer and the Horizon camera.
The cable needs to be this length for the USB cable to be safely routed behind my workspace so it won't get disturbed during imaging sessions.
The Horizon works fine with this on a 1 to 1 direct connection to the computer; doesn't like going through a USB 3 hub though.
I would also note that reliability seems to be better connecting to a USB port that is directly part of the main PC motherboard chipset, not a secondary expansion chip.
I now have a 5 metre USB 3 cable between the computer and the Horizon camera.
This link has a .5 meter or 1 meter cable, not 5. But the max length on an powered USB3 cable is 3 meters.