Atik Cameras Forum

Images => Deep Sky Images => Topic started by: Crooro on August 18, 2021, 08:57:34 AM

Title: Planetary Nebula DeHt 5, Dengel-Hartl 5, PK 111 + 11.1
Post by: Crooro on August 18, 2021, 08:57:34 AM
Due to bad weather conditions, I couldn't photograph this object even more but in the end something came out and I'm happy with it!

Apo Tecnosky SLD 152/1216
Atik 414 Ex
Gemini G53F
Title: Re: Planetary Nebula DeHt 5, Dengel-Hartl 5, PK 111 + 11.1
Post by: CraigG on August 19, 2021, 11:46:04 PM
I like it...nice work! Haven't seen that DSO before.
Title: Re: Planetary Nebula DeHt 5, Dengel-Hartl 5, PK 111 + 11.1
Post by: Crooro on August 30, 2021, 07:51:41 AM
I like it...nice work! Haven't seen that DSO before.

Thanks Craig  ;)
Title: Re: Planetary Nebula DeHt 5, Dengel-Hartl 5, PK 111 + 11.1
Post by: rabbleoily on November 29, 2022, 07:08:53 AM
Due to bad weather conditions, I couldn't photograph this object even more but in the end something came out and I'm happy with it!

Apo Tecnosky SLD 152/1216
Atik 414 Ex
Gemini G53F kipas guys (
The flats are so wrong - exposure of 0.001seconds does nothing. Then you have to see what you use to make the flats, maybe the light is not homogeneous. When I flat with various filters I use homogeneous plexi to put the light in front to decrease intensity or I move the panel farther away from the optical tube .