Atik Cameras Forum

General => Other Astronomical => Topic started by: bwa on February 03, 2012, 01:25:22 AM

Title: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: bwa on February 03, 2012, 01:25:22 AM
So, what is everyone's favorite software for processing LRGB and narrowband (Ha,
Hb, Oiii and Sii) subs?

I'm going to wade into this next week with the delivery of my 1st mono CCD, an ATIK 428Ex.

To this point I have used a couple of DSLR's, a QHY8 and a QHY9C, as well as two astro-video cameras BUT never anything requiring filters to get a color image.

My software expertise (if I dare claim this) is ImagesPlus, Registax, Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop.

I've heard a number of good things about PixInsight and do have the LE release but have never tried it?

Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: Lex on February 10, 2012, 08:16:49 PM

Go for PI, this is really THE software for processing! I used PS and even use PI now for processing my normal photos!!
You will need some time to get into it but it's worth the efforts, really!!!


Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: Merlin66 on February 15, 2012, 03:59:46 PM
I've been using AstroArt for years.
Very under-rated for what it does. It controls all my cameras for spectroscopy.
Just works!
Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: Lex on March 03, 2012, 08:51:18 PM

I always used Maxim, but after some problems i switched to Astroart..
Just a question, does it need a lot of RAM to work in a satisfying maner?
Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: arenosa on May 24, 2017, 09:30:15 PM

Go for PI, this is really THE software for processing! I used PS and even use PI now for processing my normal photos!!
You will need some time to get into it but it's worth the efforts, really!!!



Sorry, but PI stands for...
Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: bwa on May 29, 2017, 02:06:42 AM

Go for PI, this is really THE software for processing! I used PS and even use PI now for processing my normal photos!!
You will need some time to get into it but it's worth the efforts, really!!!



Sorry, but PI stands for...
PI === PixInsight

Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: harriscmiv on May 31, 2017, 08:40:24 PM
Merlin and Lex,
if i may branch off a bit,..delving into AA for all my worth and will be on the lookout for your input on the site.  I have a few posts so far and looking forward to many more.
Title: Re: Processing mono CCD subs?
Post by: dpaul on May 31, 2018, 10:23:21 AM

PI (Pixinsight) is amazing and it was developed by astronomers for astronomers - I do everything with PI.
Yes its a learning curve but well worth it.
