Atik Cameras Forum

Support (Please note, this is primarily a user forum, for direct Atik support, please email => Software and Everything Else => Topic started by: RQKimball on March 25, 2015, 06:06:44 am

Title: Does Artemis Capture Dither or Not Dither
Post by: RQKimball on March 25, 2015, 06:06:44 am
I have read the Artemis Capture documentation closely. It suggests that by opening two instances of Artemis Capture, one for imaging and one for guiding, it is possible to dither.  I have searched the web and everything I can find suggests Artemis Capture can't dither.  I personally like Artemis Capture and wonder how it guides compared to PHD2 which is excellent.

Most of the discussions I've read date back to 2012.  Has there been any progress made with respect to dithering?

Any and all answers are welcome.

Title: Re: Does Artemis Capture Dither or Not Dither
Post by: vince on May 08, 2015, 02:47:35 pm
Hello Bob,

Yes, capture can dither the guiding now, open the first copy and connect the imaging camera, open the second copy and connect the guide camera. Setup the guide camera dialogue box, tick the dithering box and start guiding, start the image capture and the two copies of Capture will see each other and you should be away!

Any problems please let us know in support.

Best regards
Title: Re: Does Artemis Capture Dither or Not Dither
Post by: RQKimball on October 13, 2015, 03:00:53 am

I am still happily using Artemis capture software, and would still like to "dither".  I just ran across a piece of software that will control dithering in PHD2.  In the supporting documentation it says, "If you have an image capture application that can run script files, configure it to run Dither_Script.vbs whenever you want to execute a dither." Thus my question is, can Artemis run script files?

Thank you,
