« Last post by Altouch on October 29, 2021, 05:29:50 AM »
The attached picture is NGC281. This was done with LRGB and dark frames. I did not shoot flats or bias frames. I stacked the images for each individual color in Affinity Photo, and then combined them with appropriate colors also in Affinity Photo. There is no gradient top to bottom. However when I shoot flat fields at 0.001 second (my flat light panel is too bright to shoot slower until I design some neutral density filters for a 355mm aperture) I get a strong top to bottom gradient which is not present in the astrophoto. I am thinking it is a function of shooting flats at such a rapid exposure time - but will do trials this weekend. A sample flat field is attached in the next message. The flat does not match the vignetting I see in other images. Processing with this flat does not produce a useful image.