Hi there,
I recently purchased an Atik414EX Colour and a Hyperstar, and have been trying to use the it with the capture software. However, I'm running into a few problems and was hoping for some advice. The Hyperstar converts my Celestron 8SE into an f2 scope (as opposed to f10) - so is much faster for imaging.
I'm using the software that came with the camera, but the images that are being produced are quite underwhelming to say the least. I'm having issues generating good colour images too and the quality just seems awful. The images aren't displaying as colour properly, instead are washed out by an orange hue across the entirety of the picture. Doesn't seem to be light pollution as I'm using a light pollution filter.
All my images were taken exposures of 25 seconds - onscreen there seems to be detail, but when the images are saved, it's basically just darkness and I can only see a few stars. Been trying Orion and Whirlpool galaxy.
I've attached an image for reference - can't attach original unedited files as they're just too big.
- Orion is a stack of 50 images at 25 second exposures (all with a strange orange hue, removed in photoshop)
I can't seem to work out what's going on colours are mainly the work of photoshop too.
Is there software that will export colour TIF files or JPEGS and not FITS?
What am I doing wrong?