the problem is that your question can't be answered the way you put it :-) even same scope settings, as you say, can't guarantee the same DSO image (as you want) because the cameras have different pixel sizes and that binned one would render image twice smaller (but with larger FOV due to bigger chip surface). The binned image being smaller means it shows less details, but due to increased SNR it will look smoother (if you care about noise - compare images by noise level vs. time needed to get the same, nice looking image - pretty pictures work)...
to put it simple, 428EX and 460EX have the same ExView HAD II technology with much reasonably higher QE (good for LRGB) then the 314L+ but they have a bit higher RN (readout noise) which may sound (it usually is that case, but this time there's an exception) it is worse for narrow band, but I calculated that the notably higher QE can compensate the 5e- vs 3.9e- readout noise increment in the new HAD II chips...
sorry I can't tell more details, I am too tired today, my eyes can't see any LCD screen any more after spending many hours at work last few days... one day I hope to find the strength and mood to write a large case study (article) for my blog on cameras...
in short, if you care about narrow band, any of these cameras you mention is the best thing you can purchase based on what's today on the market available. I personally fully advice to get 460EXM (I own one of these babys too ;-) )