Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Infinity Problems  (Read 7804 times)


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Infinity Problems
« on: December 21, 2019, 06:51:23 PM »
I have had my Infinity for several years and I love the camera and it's software program. I was observing about a month ago and when I opened Infinity program the lozenge showed that it was not connected. I checked my power and usb connections with no luck and I then changed my power and usb cables-again with no luck. Out of desperation I connected another laptop that I normally don't use and it worked fine. I re-installed my Windows 10 Home on my main laptop but still doesn't work. I now use my other laptop (resolution not as good, but I can work around that). But the other night I was observing and everything was working, I closed the program and when I reopened the program the lozenge showed it was not connecedt. I then restarted my laptop and then my Infinity program worked fine and I had a great evening. Any ideas as to the problems that I have been having?


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Re: Infinity Problems
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2020, 11:53:39 PM »
Might this be because the 'hidden' <settings> folder in the Path C:// ProgramData > Atik > Infinity > has become corrupt given it works on laptop A but not on laptop B (which hosts the corrupt folder)?

Two users of Infinity and Dusk software (both Horizon owners, one being me) have today reported that they fixed similar non-functioning software problems by deleting this Windows folder and allowing Infinity (or Dusk) to recreate it.  It seems that this folder can easily become corrupt if there is a computer malfunction or power outage and simply reinstalling the core software won't fix it.

Vince/Andrew, might this discovery cure many like inexplicable problems?