NGC3372 (Eta Carina), NGC3324 (Gabriela Mistral) and NGC3293 (Gem Cluster), taken from "Piton Maïdo" (2200m), Réunion Island.
First full image with the Astro-Tech AT65Q (which is a triplet lens with one lens corrector, 65/420, 44mm corrected field) which was suffering "square stars" upon reception. I disassembled the whole optical tube, removed the corrector and tried to lower constraints on it. The stars are now better but still not as round as it should be considering the 2.65"/pixel scale. Sky was not great (cloudy / fog till midnight, lots of high clouds).
ATIK 383L+ (-15°C) on Astro-Tech AT65Q
Losmandy G11 Gemini II guided with SX Lodestar on UltraSlim off-axis guider
Acquisition with custom software, guiding / dithering with PHD Guiding 1.13
Processing with PixInsight 1.7
L (bin1) : 20 x 240s ;
RGB (bin2) : 3 x 5 x 240s =
2h20 total.
Full can be seen on my website :