Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Request for feedback  (Read 16340 times)


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Request for feedback
« on: April 11, 2012, 03:31:00 PM »

We are looking for some customer feedback to help us understand how our cameras and software are used, so that we can provide the most useful products in the future. To this end, I would be grateful if you would answer the following questions -

1) What software do you use for imaging?
2) What are your favourite features of our software?
3) What additional features would you like to see in our software?

I would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to answer these questions, since this will help us to concentrate our efforts where they are wanted most. Thanks.

(Atik Cameras)


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Re: Request for feedback
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 10:22:59 PM »
In answer to your questions:

1) What software do you use for imaging?

I like Artemis for image capture; works well.
I mostly use ImagesPlus for preprocessing and Photoshop / PixInsight for postprocessing
I have also used DeepskyStacker, Nebulosity and Registax for image processing of subs off my ATIK 428Ex CCD

2) What are your favourite features of our software?

Easy to use.  Control both camera and filterwheel with minimal effort.  I also like the onscreen display of captured images; almost a realtime preview of where I'm at.

3) What additional features would you like to see in our software?

I would be really nice to have a histogram of the onscreen captured image in Artemis



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Re: Request for feedback
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2012, 09:54:51 PM »
I use Artemis Capture and the feature I like most is the ability to take a sequence of images. If the clouds roll in at least I have some LRGB frames rather than LRG and missing out on the blue. The only annoying is that I would prefer a file prefix rather than suffix. I use preprocessing in Astroart and it's handy to have all the files taken with the same filter in a group together.

For focusing I use a subframe round a star and zoom the display up - only recently found out if you clicked on a star it displays the FHWM. When defining a sub frame it would be good if the display automatically zoomed up or displayed in a separate window. Then when zooming down some presets on the slider would help.

The above are only niggles (but you did ask) and the software works fine especially now that I use a powered USB2 hub.
Tim Webster

383L+ mono, EFW1, Celestron C8, Skywatcher ED80, EQ6Pro


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Re: Request for feedback
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 05:49:00 PM »
First some information about my imaging equipment.

Televue 85 telescope with and without field flattener and focal reducer
Losmandy G11 mount without Gemini
Guiding with AT66 and Orion Startshoot Auto Guider

1) What software do you use for imaging?

I use Artimis Capture to focus and acquire images.  Capture is so easy to use and for my modest imaging set up the results have been very satisfying.  I then use ImagePlus to process images.

2) What are your favorite features of our software?

Did not have to spend more than one night to learn how to focus and image.

3) What additional features would you like to see in our software?

Being able to recall a previous image to the screen to check alignment is imaging the same object over multiple nights.

Joseph Bianco
Joseph Bianco
AP Mach1
Televue 85
TEC 6" Mak
Atik 383L+ OSC
SBIG STF-8300M with FW8 filter wheel