Hi nuclear, yes I would thoroughly recommend the infinity - see my other recent post in the 'Deep Sky Images' section, though I have no experience of other CCD's. Here is my setup, CPC1100, Starsense Autoalign, 0.63 reducer, Hyperstar, Neximage 5, Canon 600D, Atik Infity colour. For deep sky, prior to using the Atik, I would use the 600D with Canon utilities which has 'live view'. I got some great images but it was not sensitive enough with the live view to see if the image was centred so I had to do a few test shots at say 20 secs to test it. And then, of course, set off multiple subs and post process/stack to get the final results. With hindsight all a bit of a faff. With the Atik ( and Infinity software ) you can use Binning in the 'view' mode to confirm and centre and the objects are generally immediately visible. Then you move into the more sensitive mode and start recording/stacking the images. It really is a dream and very easy, and you can manipulate the histogram on the fly. I find the results very acceptable though I am alt/az and field rotation is a factor. (Note, also it is possible to retain the individual images and post process them if you dont like the 'on the fly' processing. ) I speak from the point of view of someone who likes to pull out the scope and see things there and then and that's what it allows you to do. I am not the sort of person who wants to spend hours and hours working on the best possible images, though I suspect, given an EQ setup, this camera would be very capable of. Go for it ! I don't think you will be disappointed.
Cheers Dave
Below M51 stacked on the fly and tweaked in Photoshop.