After being tempted to by a 5x Televue Powermate by Mrs Nagler herself at Astrofest it was sunny on sunday.. so here's the Titan doing solar with solar film. Scope 105mm pentax.
These are all SINGLE images (no stacking or drizzling this time) using the OSX ExampleApp to capture. Poor old EQ6 had it's work cut out at 6700mm! Rock solid but bubbly atmosphere.
Nice try but still the pic is not clear one..There could be much improvement.
Very true; for many reasons:
a) Running at 6700mm the scope with the Titan results in 0.23 arcsec/pixel (f64). This is below Pentax's stated 1.1 arc sec defraction limit.
b) It is a single exposure, not a run of 1000 processed and stacked in registax
c) Manually focusing using the Pentax 1:1 focuser and then Borg helical becomes difficult
d) Using unguided, unaligned EQ6 at 6700mm is asking for a bit of blur
e) Capturing at low elevations is more prone to atmospheric disturbance