I am considering both the ATIK 428EX and the 460 models. I will be doing about 60% AP, 20% Video astronomy on my 11" HyperStar, and 20% NSN streaming. I am interested in getting an ATIK CCD if it has DirectShow/WDM drivers since I can bin it a 1x1 or 2x2 if I want a faster image for live NSN streaming on DSO's.
The competitors to Atik (QHY) do supply these drivers (they QHY8Pro and QHY12), but Dean @ Starizona recommends the ATIK's, but if there are no Atik drivers specifically to stream on NSN then that is a bit of a show stopper for me.
Does either the 428Ex or the 460 have a DirectShow/WDM driver?
Kind Regards,
Richland, WA