Atik Cameras

Author Topic: 460ex makes sequence generator hang  (Read 5348 times)


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460ex makes sequence generator hang
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:03:03 pm »

The scenario is this:
Intel NUC with 64bit win7
newest ASCOM and Sequence generator pro.
some other ASCOM stuff, ASA mount, scopeDome, lakeside focuser and SX filterwheel.I dont use guider.
The camera is atik 460ex.
I get this error sometimes even when focuser and filter Wheel isnt connected.
I start the focus and frame loop which runs fine for a while, after some time frame and focus-image doesnt get updated but is forever showing "downloading"
Have to use process handler (correct term?) to shut down SGP.

I've had the suggestion that this is a problem with my Atik, not with SGP so therefore I post here.

Any other with this particular problem?

I have included last piece of the atik log when this error occured
"SetPointControl, level 65, minlvl 0, maxlvl 255, setpoint -488
01:25:06.439 CoolerPower get 25,4901960784314
01:25:07.051 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraExposing
01:25:07.101 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraExposing
01:25:07.151 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraExposing
01:25:07.201 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraExposing
01:25:07.251 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraExposing
01:25:07.301 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraDownload
01:25:07.351 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraDownload
01:25:07.401 ImageReady false, CameraState cameraDownload
01:25:07.440 CanSetCCDTemperature get True
01:25:07.440 CCDTemperature get
download progress bar in SGP keeps on forever
Note that I didnt truncate last line, nothing is written in log after "get"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
