Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Cannot Connect to Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel  (Read 8986 times)


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Cannot Connect to Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel
« on: February 25, 2017, 03:50:39 AM »
I haven't been able to image for the past three months due to bad weather.  But tonight I got excited because it was finally not cloudy or windy.

  I use Sequence Generator Pro to control all of my equipment.  Prior to the bout of really bad weather, everything was working just fine.  But tonight when I tried to connect to the filter wheel, I kept getting a message, "Filter Wheel Disconnected".

  I tried two different data cords.  I also changed the power cords.  I know I was getting power, because when I applied power, the wheel rotated.  I could feel things turning.  SO I am guessing there has to be a software problem, but that shouldn't be if my whole setup was working prior to the weather.

  Does anyone have a clue?  Is there something I can do to check why it seems my computer cannot connect to the filter wheel?  Also, is there some kind of light that comes on, on the filter wheel when power is connected?  I never noticed such, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.  So far tonight I haven't seen an indicator light. 

  Anyway, just my luck that I finally get one night to photograph, and I find a glitch.

Yes, I did download what I believe contains the correct driver from the webssite.  I believe it is called Artimus.  I have all the latest ASCOM drivers installed, as well as the latest "Framework" installed.  Hopefully that provides enough information. 

Regards  Caley Ann


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Re: Cannot Connect to Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2017, 03:04:21 PM »
Hi Caley,

Have you still having problems with the filter wheel connection??
If this is the case, please contact us through and we'll look together for a solution!  :)
