This is my only second attempt with the Atik 383L+, a short exposure monochrome wide field image of the Milky Way in the border of constellations Ara and Norma, showing various NGC objects.
Atik 383L+ CCD camera (at -10C temperature);
FS-60CB with f/4.3 reducer (focal length 255mm);
Orion Atlas EQ-G;
GSO IR-block filter.
Total exposure: 20 minutes (20 X 60 seconds) unguided.
Field: approximately 3 x 4 degrees.
This image was obtained from my apartment window, under severe light pollution and one day before the full moon. No fancy image processing - only darks/flats calibration and light pollution gradient removal (Iris). Still a lot to learn! This is only a register of my first steps in astrophotography. My congratulations to the Atik team for building this great camera!