I’m re-posting the image of my component setup here.
http://astrob.in/30273/I have continued to compare the the Luminance filtered images with the No Filter images (i.e. shot through an open port in the EFW2 filter wheel). This time the goal was to shoot comparisons with the Meade f/6.3 reducer out of the optical path.
I did this in two different ways:
a) Optics of Meade reducer removed, but reducer housing left in place. I refer to this setup as “Long”. It has the same length of stackup as the previous f/6.3 tests .
b) Complete removal of Meade f/6.3 reducer. I refer to this setup as “Short”. This shortens the overall stack-up by about 31mm.
Results for Luminance filter “Short”:
http://astrob.in/54012/ http://astrob.in/54013Results for Luminance filter “Long”
http://astrob.in/54018/ http://astrob.in/54021/Results for No Filter “Short”:
http://astrob.in/54026/ http://astrob.in/54027/Results for No Filter “Long”
http://astrob.in/54028/ http://astrob.in/54029/Here is my take away from these results:
1. With the reducer optics gone, Luminance filter no longer shows the vignetting problem.
2. I could see only a slight difference in the line profile and raw images taken in either the “Long” or “Short” condition. Somewhat disappointing, since I was hoping to gain an advantage by shortening the setup.
A. The combination of the Meade reducer, along with the Luminance filter produces the unwanted vignetting. However, the Meade reducer along with the No Filter does not.
B. With the Meade reducer removed, there is no un-manageable vignetting while using the Luminance filter. This is true regardless of “Long” or “Short” position.
So does Atik’s statement about no relevant vignetting down to f5 hold true? Does it only apply to the native focal reduction? Am I way off on the actual reduction?
Chris, can you point me to where I could do a plate solve on the images to get an accurate reading of reduction?