Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Is it safe to power up my camera with the following  (Read 15200 times)

Tom ODonoghue

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Is it safe to power up my camera with the following
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:50:59 PM »
Hi Group,
I broke my guide camera 2 nights ago. My 12v power supply suddenly broke some internal electronics, and started out putting 22.6v. My Tak mount can run on 12 or 24v, so that was a lucky thing, but the 16IC blew (It was supplying the moiunt and guide camera).
I have a backup giude cam and after fiddling about in the dark, plugged that in to. Luckily that hasn't blown yet.
The weather is perdicted clear for the next few nights and Ireally need to get imaging.
I bought a laptop power supply, it can o/p at 12v, and up to 5amps. Is it ok to use this? I presume it won't draw 5amps and blow my last giude cam, but I'm a bit weary of pluggin it in
My understanding is, it'll only draw the power it needs, and not the max possible. Any suggestions?
Thanks Tom.


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Re: Is it safe to power up my camera with the following
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2012, 06:42:54 PM »

The power supply is probably ok as long as it outputs 12 volt and has the correct polarity.  I believe the center pin should be positive(+).  At least this is the way the power supply for my mount is configured.

The amp output doesn't mean much unless your camera draws more than this value at which time you have a good chance of burning out the power supply and/or not supplying enough power to the camera.



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Re: Is it safe to power up my camera with the following
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2012, 08:01:03 PM »

I am using a 13,8V constant 5 and peak 8 amp power supply for all my equipments combined.
3 Kendricks, my CGEM, my newton fan, my Atik 383 and EFW2 along with my QHY guider, my lodestar is USB fead, here i use an amplified usb hub.

With everything hooked up it draws maximaly 7 amps so I'm fine  ;D


CGEM, C11, TS Carbon Apo Triplet 90/600, TS Carbon UNC 254/1250, Atik 383l+, EFW2,
TSOAG, Lodestar....