Atik Cameras

Author Topic: cannot load Artemis/ATIK DLL  (Read 7963 times)

Donald W Turner

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cannot load Artemis/ATIK DLL
« on: May 05, 2022, 06:41:07 PM »

Can someone tell me how to get Nebulosity 4 to connect with Neb 4?  I get the above error message

thanks, Don


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Re: cannot load Artemis/ATIK DLL
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2022, 10:43:21 PM »
I'm having this problem right now. I upgraded my astrophotography facilities to an MSI i5 USB 3  SSD laptop PC, and fronted the task of installing softwares for all my capture devices. I use PHD2 software for autoguiding with a Titan videocam on an 80mm f/11 refractor, and Artemis software for capture with an Atik 428EX on a Meade 7" ED f/9 refractor.
I downloaded and installed the Atik CAPTURE package and, though Artemis and Dawn processing software performed correctly, PHD2 was not able to start the Titan, delivering a DLL error message: "Cannot load Atik camera DLL ArtemisHSC.dll.
I have also found a discussion of this error dated 2020, but no solution was issued, not even by Atik technical team. I don't find an answer to your question as well.
So, I remain with many error claims, but without a solution...I DO BELIEVE ATIK SHOULD ADDRESS THE ISSUE!!!
Thank you.


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Re: cannot load Artemis/ATIK DLL
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2022, 02:14:24 PM »
Hello Cesco,

Sorry to hear you are having problems, are you using the latest core software and connecting to your camera using ASCOM? Would you like to send us an email at please.

Best regards