Atik Cameras

Author Topic: M27 with 414EX  (Read 4259 times)


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M27 with 414EX
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:20:42 PM »
This is my first attempt at LRGB with my new 414EX. I notice that my bright stars are white but the feint ones are pink. I am taking equal length RGB subs and processing with Pixinsight. Is this a problem with the imaging or the processing?


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Re: M27 with 414EX
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 05:43:25 PM »
I've seen colored faint stars in my PixInsight processing too. Generally turned out that I had one channel slightly out of focus in comparison to the other color channels.

Very nice image! I'm surprised by the relatively sharp corners in the nebular envelope.

- DM


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Re: M27 with 414EX
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2016, 06:12:48 PM »
I've seen colored faint stars in my PixInsight processing too. Generally turned out that I had one channel slightly out of focus in comparison to the other color channels.

Very nice image! I'm surprised by the relatively sharp corners in the nebular envelope.

- DM

I agree, this appears to be the red image is slightly out of focus. I get red rings around stars in my OSC if I'm out of focus.

John C
Prescott Valley, AZ


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Re: M27 with 414EX
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2016, 03:52:11 PM »
If you have colour calibrated in Pixinsight and you used the image as the white reference, or the Nebula, this will cause the slight colour imbalance. If you have an image of a galaxy in it's Linear state you can use a preview around the galaxy as the white reference. Even tough it has no relation to the nebula your working on, you just need a good white reference.
If all your galaxy images have been stretched just make a new RGB image from a data set, and keep the linear galaxy for use in all your processing.
Uncheck the detect structure box as your using a preview of the galaxy so this is not needed.
From experience on M27 getting a good background sample is not easy as the surrounding area is just full of stars. Really expand the image so you can get in-between these. I'll use several preview boxes. If you go to scripts in the top toolbar you'll see utilities. Open that and select the preview aggregator tool, this will add all your previews together for your background. I do this for the background neutralisation. Close the aggregated image but keep the previews. Re-open the Aggregator tool and reselect the previews. You'll see they have a slightly different hue to them. Then you can open your galaxy and make a separate preview on that as your white reference.
Long winded but it should make your stars the correct colour.
Nice M27 Micheal hope this helps a bit.