Hi all,
M57 is one of my favourite objects as it was on the cover of a pocket star-guide I used to use as a kid (possibly the Collins Gem guide to astronomy?) and was also the very first deep-sky object I ever imaged back in 2014 when 15-second exposures ought to be enough for anyone and guiding was optional- or at least temporarily unaffordable.
Since then, I've learned a bit and gone from a second-hand newtonian of dubious optics to a (slightly) less dubious SCT and more importantly got a much better camera in the form of an Atik One 6.0, along with the guiding kit, because it turns out that guiding really isn't that optional after all.
This picture is made up from two single ten minute exposures through HA and OIII filters through a Celestron C9.25 XLT with the x0.63 reducer. It was processed in AstroArt and aside from a Histogram Stretch, the main processing was a little light deconvolution.
Clear skies!