Hi Everyone,
I'm currently working a new infinity version, and it would be good to investigate this as soon as possible. The best thing you can do is send me some raw images that I can analyse so that I can work out how to improve this situation. To do this, you need to use the 'record' feature in infinity. If you hover over the 'R' button, you can select a directory for the images to go into, if you then zip up the folder and send it to me at ChrisG@atik-cameras.com that would be great. I need the raw images in this directory (rather than screenshots, videos, or images saved with the 'save' function, as these contain the raw 'straight out of the camera' images that give me all the information I need.
One quick question to you though, have you got the 'Image Settings -> Colour Bal Type' set to 'AutoAdjust'?