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Author Topic: question for atik air connectivity  (Read 11377 times)


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question for atik air connectivity
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:30:18 PM »
Hi All,

I've recently noticed this product and am in the process of buying a rasp pi 3 to fiddle.  The question I have is one of little knowledge, so I am hoping someone can shed some light on the subject for me.

The setup I have is a 383L+ mono with EFW2, off-axis guiding with a starshooter and a robofocuser.

From reading up on Atik Air, it would connect my atik/efw2/ss all to the rasp pi via usb - no problems.

As for the NEQ6 and robofocuser  - I have the usb to serial convertor cable to control the mount (typically plugged into my computer), and the robofocuser is plugged into the computer ethernet port.  I if use the rasp pi being wifi'd to the computer would I be able to connect the robofocuser to the rasp pi ethernet port and the mount into the rasp pi usb as well.  Essentially the rasp pi with atik air becomes a wifi link to the computer so I do not have to run cables like I already do.

I hope this makes sense?




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Re: question for atik air connectivity
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 09:46:42 AM »

I have the same question.  The camera is only part of the story   

Does anyone know of any resources that can provide information about mount connectivity and guiding etc with the Raspberry PI wifi?  I guess the end game is to use the Raspberry PI for remote connectivity and not need to leave a laptop outdoors !

This would be very useful




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Re: question for atik air connectivity
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 10:37:52 PM »
I have ordered a pi3 and will know hopefully within the next 2 weeks if we haven't gotten an answer before then.


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Re: question for atik air connectivity
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2016, 10:45:03 AM »
Hi Everyone,

As it stands, AtikAir will only allow you to use your Atik Cameras and EFW2 filter over the wifi network. HOWEVER it might well be possible to set up what you are asking. I experimented with a mount that we had in our office, and I could connect to and control it using a virtual COM port. The connection was a bit temperamental though and it wasn't easy to see how to generalize the setup to make it easy to include in the main AtikAir application. That being said, I didn't really spend much time investigating it, so I'm sure someone will be able to figure it out. If you do, I'd be interested to see how you've done it, and perhaps even include it in the main application.



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Re: question for atik air connectivity
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2016, 11:08:06 AM »
after some testing tonight, i confirm it only works with atik products, nothing else.  I'm going to get the coding guys at work to crack it open and have a look at it, since we have a base image to work with.