Atik Cameras

Author Topic: EFW2 Filter rotation behavior  (Read 7096 times)


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EFW2 Filter rotation behavior
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:24:34 pm »
I have an EFW2 and I'm running the latest core software (, and I use SGP for filter wheel control with the ASCOM driver.  I have noticed that when SGP calls for a filter change the EFW2 will move to the next filter, stop, move to the next filter, stop, etc and then sometimes it will cycle past several filters at once to land on the filter that is called for.  It even happens when the next sequential filter is called for that it will cycle through several before going all the way around again to land on the right filter.

Is this expected behavior?  Seems really strange to me. 

I have also had SGP abort because it had to wait too long for the filter wheel move to complete, even though the wheel eventually got to where it was supposed to be.


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Re: EFW2 Filter rotation behavior
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2017, 10:57:53 pm »
Something is clearly not right.  What happens is SGP calls for a filter change and the wheel moves but it stops at every position rather than just go right to the correct filter.  And at times I have observed the filter wheel go completely around the circle THREE TIMES before it finally stops on the correct filter.  By that time SGP thinks there's a problem and aborts the sequence.

Time to get in contact with Atik support.  This 1 year old FW used to be so reliable.