Seeing conditions during imaging RGB appeared to be not so good due to bloated stars. I refocus for every filter change because I noticed the center spike with Bahtinov mask shifts slightly with different filters even with Astrodon filters. Probably the focus shift is more noticeable at 2000mm focal length or slow focal ratio of F/10.
I used special PixInsight HaRGB combination tool to process this image. It worked pretty well. All processing was done with PixInsight.
NGC7635: Bubble Nebula in Cassiopeia. 8/24/2012 (Ha) and 9/15/2012 (RGB)
Astrodon Ha 5nm filter: 21 x 15 minutes, 1x1, Excellent seeing condition
Astrodon Red: 8 x 10 minutes, 1x1, Less than ideal seeing condition
Astrodon Green: 8 x 10 minutes, 1x1, Less than ideal seeing condition
Astrodon Blue: 8 x 10 minutes, 1x1, Less than ideal seeing condition
Celestron 8" EdgeHD at F/10 with A-P Mach1GTO GEM. Atik 460EX mono. Hutech OAG. Lodestar.
Captured and pre-processed with Nebulosity. Stacked and post processed with PixInsight.
PHD settings: RA Aggressiveness: 90, RA Hysteresis: 10, Max Dec Duration: 75, Min Motion: 0.70, Calibration Steps: 125msec, Auto/Resist Switching, Extreme dithering and Settled at < 0.5, 3 - 4 sec guiding exposure.
Red = Ha + Red, Green = Green, Blue = Blue!i=2099824883&k=cjWhMxFClick on the image to zoom.