Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Trouble with New ASCOM driver  (Read 10870 times)


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Trouble with New ASCOM driver
« on: April 04, 2017, 10:35:05 AM »

I'm using the Atik camera 314L+ capturing frames with AstroArt 5.0.
I have had some issues with low light level frames like calibration frames processing them with PixInsight. When I acquired them under the same conditions with ArtemisCapture all went fine. Now I realised that capturing frames with the New ASCOM driver and AstroArt, also the low light level frames are ok. But there is a new problem with this ASCOM driver.

When I installed the new driver with core software installer the gear at first was running fine and the operation of the camera was perfect. The issue appears after shutting down and restart the computer. Now AstroArt reports "Cannot connect to camera." and also other programs like PHD2 (ASCOM:Atik2.Camera no cameras have been found) or Sequence Generator (Error connecting to Atik Camera 2!) report failures. Only after reinstalling the ASCOM driver with core software installer the camera operation is as expected untill the next restart of the computer.

This is a very annoying and confusing behavior so I would appreciate any help to fix the problem.

Rolf Stadelmaier


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Re: Trouble with New ASCOM driver
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 05:02:08 PM »
Hello all,

no replies so far - so I assume no otherone is affected by this spurious behavior?
Soon after posting this here I contacted Atik Support and recieved this answer:

Hi Rolf,

Sorry to hear you are having problems. It sounds similar to an issue a few other people are also having. We are still trying to get to the bottom of it, but there are two potential causes of this problem:

1) That a virus protection is causing us issues. We have found that TrendMicro can do this.
2) That the AtikCameraRegister service (which is installed with the core installer) might also be causing problems.

To disable the AtikCameraRegister, could you try the following to see if it fixes the situation:

1) Open task manager
2) Select 'Services' tab
3) Click 'Open Services' at the bottom.
4) Find 'AtikCameraRegister' in the list
5) Right Click -> Stop.
6) Right Click -> Properties
7) Change 'Startup Type' to 'Disabled'

You can then restart your PC to see if that works ok. If not I'll investigate further.


Atik Support

I followed the advice and noticed that it not fixed my problem. Later on I surprisingly discovered that the recommended proceeding shows different results on different computers. I experienced this results:
On my desktop computer (1) the problem was not fixed, but on my notebook (2) the problem indeed was fixed.
  1) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz - Win 7 64 Bit OS
  2) Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700 @ 2.53GHz - Win 7 32 Bit OS

Given there is someone else with the same problem she/he should try this procedure too. For me it's a great improvement because I'm using the notebook out in the field where one welcomes any relief.

Best regards and CS,
Rolf Stadelmaier


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Re: Trouble with New ASCOM driver
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2017, 10:29:58 AM »
Hi all,

to complete this thread: I got a new response from Atik Support.

Hi Rolf,

Sorry for the slow response on this one, I think I may have found a fix for the issue. Could you download and install the latest software on the website and see if that fixes the issue:

If not, let me know and I'll investigate further.

Atik Support

This latest software fixed the issue for me.

Rolf Stadelmaier