Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Sequence Generator Pro Settings for ATIK 16200  (Read 9830 times)


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Sequence Generator Pro Settings for ATIK 16200
« on: May 08, 2017, 09:43:50 PM »
I just received my Atik 16200 a couple weeks ago and I am curious if anyone has setup the Atik 16200 in Sequence Generator Pro (SGP)? Most of the settings are pretty straight forward. However, there are a couple of settings I am not sure about and thought I would ask what other users are using.

The first setting I am not sure about are the Gain (Value and e-/ADU). The camera specs it says the Gain Factor: 0.6e-/ ADU. So I took this as the Gain value to use in SGP. The specs don't specify what this values is for the different Binning modes so I just used 0.6 for all the binning modes. Is this correct?

The next setting that I am not sure about is the "Use High Speed Download". Should this option be checked in SGP? Also, I see in the Camera's ASCOM settings when you add the Camera to SGP there is an option to use "High Priority Download". Should this also be checked? This option was not covered in the setup instructions so not sure what settings are best.

Finally, when I installed the Atik Core Software, it also installed the Atik 16200 Column Repair Tool. There are no instructions that I could find for this tool, so I assumed you just identify what column is bright and enter that column number in the Bad Columns Box and then click on Set Columns. I have specified the bright column that I have on my sensor, and it removed it from the image I took in the Repair Tool. However, when I go into SGP and take a Bias image I still see the bright column even thought I selected Column Correction in the Camera ASCOM settings. Does anyone know if the column correction only work when using the Artemis capture software or is there away to get it to work with SGP as well?

Many thanks to anyone who can help clarifiy the correct settings to use in SGP for the Atik 16200.

Andrew J


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Re: Sequence Generator Pro Settings for ATIK 16200
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2017, 08:57:37 PM »
Does any one know what the 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 gain settings should be for Sequence Generator Pro for the Atik 16200?


Andrew J