I began with longer and longer exposures, because that was how I was able to image with my old inferior camera.
But very recently found that using shorter exposures, but many more of them, has given me an improvement.
I always referred to the hot pixels as my "Rainbow Sprinkles" with my old camera.
But with the Infinity, any hotties are very tiny, and the shorter exposures seem to have at least made them disappear into the star field.
The image develops on the program much slower using the shorter times, even though it is ticking right along. But think of it as an Air Brush, compared to a high pressure paint sprayer.
Air Brush - Detail.
HPPS - thrown bucket of paint.
So my suggesting is shorter exposures, and as many as you like to gather the detail.
Here is 25 second exposures, but 100 stacked. Then very lightly processed.