I use my Titan for capturing solar images through a Coronado SolarMax 60 and for autoguiding with PHD through an AstroTech 72.
When directly connected to my PC with a short USB cable it works fine. I have purchased a USB 2.0 Cat5 Extender made by Black Box to allow me to remote my PC from the observing gear. All of my other devices (mount, focuser, temperature monitor, Canon camera, SBIG camera, QSI camera) are able to connect with the PC through the extender. When I plug in the Titan into the remote hub, Win7 recognizes it and it shows as "working properly" in the Device Manager. However Artemis will not connect. I downloaded the driver from your web site and went through the Device Manager's procedure for upgrading. It did not make a difference.
Any thoughts on how to make this work?
Rick Burke