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Author Topic: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC  (Read 26886 times)


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New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« on: April 01, 2019, 02:59:39 am »
I recently downloaded the latest Atik Core software to give the new Dusk program a shot. After downloading the new update and installing dusk, driver updates, and an Infinity update a slew of major issues completely preventing me from imaging arose which could not be resolved even after completely uninstalling the software and rolling back to the version I was previously on (Version

The new software made it so that my Atik Horizon OSC was not even recognized by Atik Infinity software. I just said connecting indefinitely. Sharpcap was able to use the new driver, but I do my live stacking with Infinity. I then uninstalled the whole new core package from the windows program uninstall menu and reinstall my old core version. After reinstalling the Horizon OSC is recognized by Infinity but does not work at all. It tries to take an exposure and says updating for about 30 extra seconds after the exposure bar is fully green, the software completely freezes and errors, then it shows the exposure which is completely corrupted. It just keeps freezing for about a half minute after each exposure then pushing a corrupted image to the stack. See attach image below:

Other people on the forums said they had success restoring functionality with their Horizon OSC by uninstalling the Atik Core software and uninstalling ASCOM then reinstalling everything again. I tried this and had no success.

The latest software is severely broken for the Horzion OSC. Why would a software be pushed publicly that is this glitched? Any advice on resolving my issues is much appreciated.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2019, 11:13:51 am »
Hi Phil,

Last night I had my Horizon OSC version working with Sequence Generator Pro and SharpCap - but in MONO ONLY, but it refused to connect to Infinity.

There are still some issues with SG Pro/Sharpcap, but that could be just me. However, I see this particular ASCOM driver has 'CCD 'in its title....which probably gives us a hint where the broader issue might lie. The Histograms didn't respond (which was the original problem that I reported with Sharpcap last month). Control wasn't good enough to continue and by the time I got fed up, I was beaten by cloud.

This morning, I reinstalled Now SG Pro won't work, but Infinity does!

Quite clearly the problem is that they require different ASCOM drivers or at least some process to identify CCD or CMOS. The fact that other Atik camera owners are not moaning in the forums perhaps suggests this is strictly a problem for the CMOS Horizon (yet again).

However, I have an idea that may help you. When I reinstalled I did NOT prior uninstall I just allowed to find the incompatible components and close them. Interestingly, the Camera Register features here, perhaps suggesting this is an issue of camera identity/registration.

The other thought is that you must specifically select <install drivers> and <install ASCOM drivers>. The default for these boxes are unchecked in the download wizard and the required drivers won't get installed if unchecked. It is very easy to miss the ASCOM as they are right at the bottom of the list. If in doubt, I suggest just tick everything. My guess is that since mine works and yours doesn't this is probably the issue and your drivers have gone AWOL. But it is clear that people are wise to avoid until this is fixed.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 11:16:54 am by Noah4x4 »

Phil HD925

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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2019, 02:02:03 pm »
Yep, that image you posted, I was getting exactly the same thing after rolling back to the previous version of the core software (pre Dusk).  The only way I got rid of that was by updating the ASCOM platform to the latest  (6.4 SP1).  That could have been a fluke fix though, so not sure if this would work for everyone. 


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2019, 03:33:39 pm »
Version has been release today. We seem to have skipped

In a daylight test I have managed to connect my Horizon OSC in Infinity, SG Pro and Sharpcap. However, I am not convinced the camera was capturing any data in Infinity as the histogram was unresponsive and said "no data" when I pointed to the sliders. But I think the required functionality is there in Sharpcap and SG Pro. Am hoping for some clear sky tonight to properly test all, but it looks like encouraging progress.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2019, 05:06:24 pm »
Version has been release today. We seem to have skipped

In a daylight test I have managed to connect my Horizon OSC in Infinity, SG Pro and Sharpcap. However, I am not convinced the camera was capturing any data in Infinity as the histogram was unresponsive and said "no data" when I pointed to the sliders. But I think the required functionality is there in Sharpcap and SG Pro. Am hoping for some clear sky tonight to properly test all, but it looks like encouraging ip birthday wishes tneb

Other people on the forums said they had success restoring functionality with their Horizon OSC by uninstalling the Atik Core software and uninstalling ASCOM then reinstalling everything again. I tried this and had no success.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2019, 09:07:16 pm by amekassa12 »


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2019, 07:46:28 pm »
Check out the Download section. The core SW has just been updated to today. I hope to test it this evening with my OCS Horizon.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2019, 05:57:35 am »
Check out the Download section. The core SW has just been updated to today. I hope to test it this evening with my OCS Horizon.

Thanks for this heads up. I had installed the software yesterday and couldn't even connect to the camera.  (the camera still doesn't work right, but at least this is progress. I commented on this in a different post.)

Does anyone know if Atik has a mailing list of driver updates. It would be nice to get these before heading out into the field and being frustrated.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2019, 02:45:16 pm »
I just set a scehdule to upgrade 18 SMs and 1 AP (same tower) at 3:00am on Monday July 15. It took the schedule and I verified the information was correct in the scheduled jobs window. 10 minutes later, I get alerted that my radio is off line. It went ahead and ran the schedule 5 minutes after I set it to run 2 days from now. shareit apk
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 05:25:30 am by scottsen11 »


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2019, 06:35:30 pm »
So I took delivery of a new Horizon mono earlier this week and had an opportunity to test it out under some pretty good sky conditions. I thought I'd share my experience so far before after downloading the latest Core software released August 8th.

Up until buying the new camera I had been using the Core package running my Horizon OSC. Functionality was fine as I was only using Atik software for my imaging sessions. However, the new mono camera apparently had issues with that Core version:

--When live stacking in Infinity and using a fully zoomed out
   view, I noticed a "window screen" pattern covering the
   entire image even after about half an hour of stacking. The
   effect went away with any level of zooming in. The effect
   also carried through to the saved images when
   viewed later.

--There was also a problem with the saved FIT files as they
   could not be read by Nebulosity, etc.

I decided to then download the latest Core package and had the following results:

--The new camera connects and functions OK with Infinity
   and great with Artemis. Not so much for Dusk as it seems
   to be locked up after making some settings after the initial

 --I'm still getting the "window screen" effect in Infinity.
   Anyone have any experience with that? Also, exposure,
   gain and other settings are not retained and have to be
   reentered in the next Infinity session.

--FIT files are now readable and I am very pleased with my
  initial images with the new camera! Again, I have not used
  camera with any third party software but I hope to soon.



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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2019, 08:44:42 pm »
 I just updated to Atik Universal with associated ASCOM drivers and DUSK software.
 The Horizon camera connects and works well so far in Infinity and in DUSK, but when attempting to connect in Sharpcap Pro the ASCOM chooser appears corrupted. The OK and CANCEL buttons are partial and unresponsive, and therefore the software will not connect, either in Atik Camera or Atik Camera 2.
 It's not a big deal, though I would like the ability to use flats and darks during live stacking, that is, if the ASCOM drivers are ever enabled to perform those functions!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2019, 09:05:06 pm »
Hi Neil

I wondered about the ASCOM drivers as I was not able to see any details of the drivers in ASCOM Profile Explorer. SC functionality would be nice for the reason you mentioned.

Did you happen to notice any of the "window screen" effect when zoomed out in Infinity? Just trying to determine if its camera or software related. Thanks!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2019, 11:04:23 pm »
I tested the Horizon only in daylight this morning so far, but did not notice the window screen effect in Infinity or Dusk  at that time.....I was not using any zoom, though.
 I have seen the effect, though, on the few occasions I was able to get images in SC on the Horizon with what I assume must have been previous versions of the ASCOM drivers supplied with previous versions of the core software. I don't know if it was due to maybe de-bayer issues or not. At any rate, I cannot connect at all now.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2019, 11:21:44 pm »
Thanks Neil...I appreciate your insight. I've contacted Support about it...might very well be a debayer issue although I haven't noticed the effect with my Horizon OSC on the same software. Let's hope the next release solves the ASCOM driver issue with SC!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2019, 06:54:27 pm »

Fingers crossed but I just hooked up the new Horizon to Sharpcap (latest free version) in a daytime test selecting Atik Cameras 2...and it works! Snapshots, frames, cooling, histogram adjustments, stacking (without alignment of course) saving etc. appear to be responding. The Horizon was using the drivers that downloaded with the Core package last week. Never been able to do this before...maybe it's in part due to the latest SC update? I'll report back after actual field use but progress has been made here.

Hope it helps!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2019, 02:29:37 am »
Thank you, Craig!
 I tried updating the SC software today and the Horizon now connects and cools properly. Dark frames seem to apply ok. I noticed that whatever output choice is made the only color space available is Mono16. Color display still works if forced. I haven't tried stacking yet but will report back on that and flat frame function.