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Author Topic: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC  (Read 32207 times)


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2019, 02:38:34 AM »
Whoo hoo! That's great news Neil...looking forward to your report!
Best wishes,


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2019, 01:55:01 AM »
Hi Neil!

I noticed the same SC Mono 16 color space limitation when using my Horizon OSC. Have you had a chance to try live stacking yet?


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2019, 01:38:59 AM »
Hi Neil!
I just installed and indoor tested the latest Core version dated October 2, 2019. The SharpCap color space with my Horizon OSC now shows RAW16. The live stack histogram is also showing color lines so good news so far!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2019, 04:03:22 PM »
Excuse the duplicate post (also in ASCOM Atik1 or Atik2 Driver question)...

Due to the shocking weather and being away on recent rare clear nights, I have not been out since the Driver issues were fixed (October?) for the benefit of Sharpcap users. Today in test I managed to get Sequence Generator Pro to hook up to my Atik Horizon and thought reporting this further success might help members of our community.

However, I found that I needed to fully boot up my Intel NUC, then connect camera, then open SG Pro. If I connected the camera before booting up the computer it wouldn't recognise the camera was present. You then need to click on camera settings and select Atik Horizon 129.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2019, 04:02:01 PM »
I am also having the same problem, I haven't tried updating the New Core Software to and I'm gonna try it now, hope it will fix it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 03:47:16 PM by vince »


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2020, 09:19:42 AM »
Been recently suffering from some weird 'freezes', even in Infinity. Am using only a short 1.8M USB3 cable directly to an Intel NUC, so that isn't the issue. However, have just upgraded to the latest core software  (15th January 2020) which seems to be more stable in daylight test and presumably is to support the Atik Horizon II's fast frame mode. The Horizon issues with the core software were outstanding for for too long. Fortunately, it coincided with the worst period of continuous cloud I have ever encountered. Now keen to get out again, and hopefully, all will be fine.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2020, 09:22:55 AM by Noah4x4 »


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2020, 08:31:11 PM »
Tried some more daylight (pinhole camera) tests today, continued to suffer some crashes when using Infinity.  This is frustrating as prior to it worked perfectly, albeit not in Sharpcap and Sequence Generator Pro.

So, updated Windows 10 Pro, then noticed Atik has issued yet another new core software update 29th January 2020 to version Have downloaded that today, and it seems to be more stable than the previous version in a daylight test. Hoping for some clear skies after 21:00 tonight to test properly.


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2020, 09:16:53 PM »
Thanks for your post! I've been humming along with the version since December and have had only intermittent crashes in Infinity. SharpCap however seems to work very well with both my Horizons. Not very much testing with the weather situation here since the first of the year but hope springs eternal!

Maybe let us know how your testing of goes if you get a chance?


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2020, 02:57:35 PM »
Weather in Essex has been horrible for months. The promised clear sky's last night didn't materialise so I could not test under night conditions. However,  checking the core software Change Log it does mention that the latest version resolves a "Horizon connection issue". This sounds positive and yesterday's daylight test was encouraging.

To be frank, I initially had trouble with the original Horizon's rather flimsy micro B USB connector. Atik promptly replaced that under warranty with a regular USB B connector. However, I discovered that if I ever used a USB3 cable longer than 1.8M I had  connectivity issues despite using a quality Tracer 12v 22Ah battery. But it all worked fine with a high quality shielded 1.8M USB3 cable until core software version, which I believe was when Atik first attempted to embrace SharpCap and Sequence Generator Pro with a CMOS camera. After that,  Infinity software repeatedly started to crash, notably soon after initial connection.

Thinking I might have USB power issues (which I have encountered before), I did experiment with active cables and powered hubs without much success. Interestingly, things did improve after switching from three seperate 'bricks' to a single 240v/12v 10 Amp (120 watt) AC/DC adapter, now powering camera (circa 24 watts?), focus controller (24 watts?)  and my Intel NUC (65 watts?). Having access to slightly higher wattage than the aggregate rating of their individual 'bricks' does seem to have benefited all devices. Frankly, I am wondering if my original Atik supplied AC/DC adapter was a little short of watts to power bith it and USB3 cables? But my rig seems to be thriving now and a few spare amps won't hurt.

I progressively tried each new incarnation of core software in daylight test. It is fortunate that the weather has been awful, else I might have been fairly angry, as none have worked well in Infinity, albeit improvements were noticeable in Sequence Generator Pro. However, the latest version does seem to be encouraging in daylight test. Just need to get outdoors again!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2020, 07:57:12 PM »
Been using version tonight. Still suffering from some camera disconnections and crashes. Have reported issue direct to Atik Support. Shame, as in daylight test I thought we were getting somewhere.

EDIT - Think I have resolved this - probably not attributable to camera/software....

Have just switched to an Ethernet cable between my two Intel NUCs. My Horizon now seems to be performing OK. I suspect the issue might be that my Win 10 Pro remote desktop WiFi network (for remote control) was not as stable as I thought. Hence it could be that Infinity was simply waiting for commands that were being interrupted by "lost packets". It's really odd as six months ago my WiFi network was 100% stable. But this looks encouraging and suggest is actually OK.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 09:31:51 PM by Noah4x4 »


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2020, 12:50:58 AM »
Good to hear Noah!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2020, 12:20:40 PM »
Have had further conversations with Atik Support, that explain why I have had a few woes, lock ups and crashes with Infinity that were not resolved by deleting the old and reinstalling the latest core software and ASCOM Platform.

Eventually, we deleted a folder called 'Settings' which is a 'hidden file' deep within the Atik 'Program Data'. Somehow, the local data within this had become corrupted, but the folder is not cleared by uninstalling. My guess is that this occured when my Intel NUC crashed due to a power supply failure issue, after which Infinity software had long been sluggish (but Sequence Generator Pro worked fine). Frankly, I attibuted this to problems with my remote controlled wireless network. It appears that current local settings data gets reinstalled when you open Infinity, but if there is past corrupt data that Windows is unfortunately retaining it can cause problems.  Now my Infinity software/Horizon seems to be flying along (core software version

 Brilliant service from Atik Support as I would never have worked out this unusual issue for myself!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2020, 12:36:53 PM »
I wonder if this "Settings" file is also causing a problem that I have with Dusk? My camera connection button is somehow corrupted and uninstall/reinstall does not bring it back. So, specifically, how do you locate this deep Settings file after you've uninstalled the overall program?

Thanks Noah!


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2020, 03:26:40 PM »
At your own risk Craig!  But I suspect it might be a similar data corruption issue...

This particular <settings> folder is wholly related to Infinity software. But I notice a similarly labelled folder in Dusk. It might be wise to phone Andrew at Atik Support saying that you have this problem and to double check if it is a likely solution for your similar display corruption issue in Dusk.

The Infinity <Settings> folder is in the path Local Disc C: > ProgramData > Atik > Infinity > Settings. But you need to check 'show hidden files' else the final leg is hidden. We deleted the <Settings> folder from this path and it fixed my corrupt display issue as the folder was then recreated with new data with current integrity on the next opening of Infinity.

One suspects that Dusk <settings> probably works in the same way and deletion of its similar file might fix any corruption of Dusk.  But as it is a 'hidden' file, not intended for user meddling, I do think it is best that you check with Atik. Although if you did delete it, my guess it should be recreated as new on a fresh installation of the core software. But best you call Andrew to check!


Phil (Noah4x4).


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Re: New Core Software Completely Broke My Horizon OSC
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2020, 04:45:25 PM »
All good advice Phil! I had my initial support ticket contact with Andrew so your experience is very timely. Glad to hear that things are running smoothly again for you! I haven't been able to image anything for so long now that I hope I remember how to do things when conditions improve...

Best Wishes,