Hi Dave,
Interesting stuff. Are you running anything similar to my optical train setup? That is 12”LX200, FF/FR, OAG, EFW2, Atik? How are you setup?
I do suspect that my setup is causing this vignetting. Although, although …., I was informed that F5.0 or greater should not suffer this. Oh well.
1. Bias: Your bias master looks different than mine. Yours is more normal (even), with brightening along each vertical side. Mine has moderate to heavy darkening towards the bottom 1/3rd, and streaks. My bias subs were taken using Artemis at 0.001s and no temperature control. However, I also have bias taken with IP at 0.20s and -10C. My IP bias master still shows darkening in the lower 1/3rd, but much smoother - overall similar to yours.
a) What was your exposure? (0.20s ?)
b) What was your temp setting? (mine was OFF)
c) How many bias subs were used? (20 ?) (mine was 30)
2. Dark: Your dark master does show darkening in the lower 1/3rd , just like my Bias master. My Dark master is uniform throughout. Sure you didn’t accidently switch the two?
a) What was the exposure? (300s ?) (mine was 600s)
b) What was the temp setting? (mine was -10C).
c) How many subs were used? (20 ?) (mine was 30)
3. Flat: Your flat master looks good. I can selectively stretch in PI and see that there is no sharp edge to the vignetting. Whereas mine does show a sharp edge (see my original post).
a) What was the exposure? (3-4s ?) (mine was 5s)
b) What was the individual sub ADU value? (25K-35K ?) (mine was about 30k)
c) What was the temp setting? (mine was -10C).
d) How many subs? (20 ?) (mine was 30)
4. M31: Damn, that looks good! That wasn’t taken with a large scope, no?