Atik Cameras

Author Topic: How to get Color Images!!!  (Read 8202 times)


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How to get Color Images!!!
« on: July 15, 2019, 05:21:48 AM »
We have had our Infinity for a year now and unfortunately have only been able to use it on 6~8 outings.  I know that if I do binning 2 or over I get black and white but with binning at 1, we should get color images.  our 'color' images are yellow heade towards brown with maybe a deep red in there sometimes.  I have seen Infinities color images but I cannot figure out how to do it.  Adjusting the Red/Green/Blue on the lower left turns the whole image to that color.  Adjusting the Histogram(?) sliders just lighten or darken the image.

We love the image results of the camera and everything about it...except some things we know have color and we cannot get there.



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Re: How to get Color Images!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2019, 10:01:04 AM »

Are you using a an IR/UV cut filter? If not this could give your images a yellow / red cast.

It is possible to use  binning and still have a colour image with the infinity, you need to change the colour binning mode to colour. You can find this in the advanced settings box.

Hope this helps.

Best regards