Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Installing Atik Software : .NET framework old version 2 really needed ?  (Read 7446 times)

Guillaume Lafarge

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I would like to install Artemis software on my new laptop (Windows 10) for my Atik 314L+ and filterwheel. I downloaded the lastest installer on your site SetupAtikCamerasUniversal-2020.06.23.exe.
But when I launch it, it raises the error (see screen shot here attached) : Internal error: .NET Framework version 2.0 not found

I would like to know if I really need to insall the .NET version 2, because it seems to be very old, the current last available version is .NET v4.7, and I don't want to have bugs because of that. I did not install any version for the moment.

Do you have a help page on how to install this .NET framework, needed for Atik softwares ?

Thank you,
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 05:02:55 PM by Guillaume Lafarge »


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Hello Guillaume,

You will need to enable the dot net features in windows "Turn windows features on and off" in control panel as shown in the attached screen shot.

I hope this helps.

Best regards

Guillaume Lafarge

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Hello Vince,
Thank you very much for the advice, it worked very well !