Hi David,
Thanks for trying the BETA software. I can confirm that this version will work with XP, so we should be able to get it working for you. My initial thought is to check that the drivers have updated properly. Can you go back into device manager and then 'right click -> properties' on your camera. Under the 'Manufacturer' it should say 'libusb 1.0'. If not, you should try to reinstall the drivers using the core software installer.
The other thing to check is that the ArtemisHscService is running on the machine. If you open open task manager, then view the processes tab, and then tick the 'show processes from all users' checkbox. You should see 'ArtemisHscService and ArtemisHscServiceMonitor listed in.
If you can check these two things, then email me on ChrisG@atik-cameras.com that would be great.