Atik Cameras

Author Topic: Return / Repair question  (Read 10564 times)


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Return / Repair question
« on: February 14, 2016, 02:52:55 AM »

I hope I can get a answer to my question.  What is Atik's return / repair policy on it's cameras.
I know of one camera company who backs their cameras  rather well. They repair or replace any camera in current production free most the time and upgrades are often cost of shipping only or just a small fee.
I would not expect that from most cameras companies , but I have to ask this question about your service and compare it to others. It helps me decide my next video camera purchase.


Jim Turner


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Re: Return / Repair question
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2016, 03:47:21 PM »
Hi Jim,

Although we can't always fix things for free, we also don't make a profit off our repairs or servicing. All our cameras come with a warranty during which time we'll fix things at no extra cost, and we try to keep the cost of out-of-warranty repairs to a minimum.

Our support service is based in the UK, which should give you a better idea of what shipping costs might be - assuming that you ever need to send the camera back, most people will never need to! We're also here to offer support and advice for as long as you have the camera.

I hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions!
